Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Il luogo ideale per postare i propri rasoi, e conoscerne la storia

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Messaggi: 5950
Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

Trademark of Reichard until 1933, then of American Safety Razor
ca. 1903 - 1953

1707 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
ca. 1912 - 1914
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Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

Biografia del Giudice Henry Tilton Lummus

Henry Tilton Lummus nacque il 28 dicembre 1876 a Lynn, figlio di William e Louisa Mitchell (Brown) Lummus.
I suoi genitori possedevano una piccola azienda a conduzione familiare di concia delle pelli.La tradizione di famiglia era molto antica, risaliva addirittura al 1635, quando dei suoi avi emigrarono dall'Inghilterra verso l'America.
Si diplomo' presso il liceo nel 1894 a Lynn, e studio' legge all'Universita' di Boston dove si laureo' nel 1897 summa cum laude.I suoi compagni di corso furono i governatori David I. Walsh e Thomas H. Dowd.
Svolse il praticantato presso lo studio Arthur H. Wellman di Boston e nel 1900 apri' un suo studio a Boston con un suo collega, C. Neal Barney.
La targa recitava "Lummus e Barney Studi Associati".
Nel 1903 inizio' a lavorare presso la Corte di Giustizia di Lynn di cui ne divenne il Presidente nel 1907.Come secondo incarico svolse il ruolo di Revisore nella Corte Superiore dei Conti.Insegno' Diritto nelle scuole e pubblico' anche un libro in merito nel 1898.
Nel 1921 venne nominato Giudice Associato presso la Corte Superiore dal Governatore Channing H. Cox.
Si dimise dall'incarico, andando in pensione, il Primo Ottobre 1955
Mori'il 29 Agosto 1960.Lascio' una moglie,due figli e quattro nipoti.
Messaggi: 940
Iscritto il: 15/07/2010, 11:29
Località: Moglia (MN)

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da andreat63 »

ottimo. bella collezione, questa del giudice. mi conferma l'età settecentesca di alcuni esemplari che ho, simili a quelli del primo riquadro
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Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

Complimenti!Anche quelli li hai trovati ai mercatini?Come radono?
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Iscritto il: 15/07/2010, 11:29
Località: Moglia (MN)

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da andreat63 »

Aldebaran ha scritto:Complimenti!Anche quelli li hai trovati ai mercatini?Come radono?
non li ho provati, troppo vissuti e carichi di storia. alcuni hanno già la dicitura "cast steel"
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Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

A, ho capito, pero', appunto, sono "carichi di storia".Non hanno nessun'altra dicitura o simbolo?
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Iscritto il: 15/07/2010, 11:29
Località: Moglia (MN)

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da andreat63 »

certo, che ce ne sono. molti hanno punzonato una sorta di scure, altri hanno anche il nome. in uno ricordo che c'è scritto "faron warranted"
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Messaggi: 5950
Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

Se tu riuscissi a postare le diciture e punzonature, anche solo descrivendole, potrei fare una ricerca.
Mi piace indagare su queste cose. :)
Messaggi: 940
Iscritto il: 15/07/2010, 11:29
Località: Moglia (MN)

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da andreat63 »

inserisco due esemplari d'epoca con custodia doppia. foto fatta un pò di tempo fa, non ricordo se e che marchi hanno.
quindi inserisco disegno del punzone a forma di ipotetica scure
punzone 001.jpg
infine, ti do un altro marchio da ricercare, che non ho ancora fotografato: "skidmore", con punzone di corona. bell'esemplare, stilisticamente simile ai nostri GB (quindi primi '800), con finitura originariamente a specchio, lama intonsa da un pollice, ovviamente coi segni del tempo
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Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 21:52
Località: Provincia N.W. Milano - Magonza

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da paciccio »

Non vorrei sbagliarmi ma l'ipotetica scure
dovrebbe schematizzare un "crogiolo" e/o affini come garanzia di alta qualità.
«Con un gentiluomo sono sempre più di un gentiluomo; con un mascalzone, cerco di essere più di un mascalzone.» Paciccio & Otto von Bismarck
«Per capire le pietre ci vuole pazienza e perseveranza» Ura «non sono le pietre che affilano e fanno magie, bensì chi le usa con scrupolo ed esperienza» Lemmy
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Messaggi: 5950
Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

@Andreat63:Grazie per le foto,ora e' tutto piu' chiaro.

Andiamo con ordine:

1.Per quanto concerne "Skidmore" so che il termine indica un tipo di milizia del 1872-75, in linguaggio colloquiale che pero' deriva dall'americano,non dall'inglese.
Ho associato il significato al termine perche' mi hai detto che vi e' anche il simbolo di una corona, quindi ho presupposto che "Skidmore"fosse un tipo di milizia di quei tempi al servizio della regine/re d'Inghilterra.
Piu' verosimilmente dopo aver trovato questo:

"Skidmore Joseph, Pond street "

Ho scoperto,leggendo questo libro
che il forgiatore Joseph Skidmore di Sheffield era al 30 di Bailey Street.
Da qui si evince che e' nell'elenco dei forgiatori del 1822.
In quest'altro elenco viene posto tra le botteghe di Sheffield del 1829.
Data la sua forma, da te descritta, possiamo allora di sicuro presupporre che anche questo rasoio fu forgiato intorno agli anni 20 del 1800.
Non so dirti per ora nulla sulla scura,mi spiace,continuero' a cercare e ti avvisero' in maniera repentina.*

*Mi faceva notare paciccio che il simbolo della "scure"in realta' sembra quello de "pipe razor"in voga a quei tempi come prerogativa di molti rasoi in cast steel (acier fondu).Guarda qui a proposito del Dozzle
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Messaggi: 5950
Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

Altri "Razor Manufacteres" di Sheffield (1829)
vedere qui e qui

Razor Manufacturers,

•Addy George & Son, Pea croft
•Allison Edward, Little Sheffield
•Barber John, 14 Norfolk street
•Bennet Edward, Bailey lane
•Bingham James
•Bingham Jonathan, 2 Radford st & Allen street
•Bishop Luke, Brocco
•Brammer Joseph, Pye bank
•Brittain, Wilkinson and Brownell, Carver street
•Cadman Hannah (stamp, 'Bengal') Court, 13 Fargate
•Cam & Birks, Workhouse lane
•Champion Thomas & Son, 39 High street
•Clark & Osborne, Earl street
•Cooper John, 18 New street, Park
•Crawshaw James, Solly street
•Crookes John, 18 Smithfield
•Crookes Jonathan, Rockingham lane
•Crookes Samuel, top of Broad street
•Dewsnap Charles, Rockingham street
•Dickinson & Rollisson, 93 Pea croft
•Eaton Samuel & Son, 38 Hawley street
•Elliot Joseph, 66 Hollis croft
•Fenney Frederick, Townhead street
•Foster John, 54 Carver street
•Fox Charles, 2 New Church street
•Gillbee & Cantrell, Rockingham street
•Greaves & Newton, West street
•Gregory James, 105 Eyre street
•Hadfield Joseph, Cross Smithfield
•Hall James & Son, Duke street
•Hall Jonathan, 18 Union lane
•Hammond George, 59 Wicker
•Hancock Joseph, 75 Arundel street
•Harrop George, New fields
•Hartley & Bennett, Bailey lane
•Heifor John, 51 Scotland street
•Hides & Townsend, 62 Hollis croft
•Hobson Edward, 18 Snig hill
•Hobson George, Walkley
•Howe John, Cornhill
•Jackson William, Dun street
•Johnson Ann & Sons, Furnival street
•Johnson George & Co. Tudor street
•Johnson James, New Church street
•Kebberling Samuel, Pinstone street
•Lee George, Favourite's yard, Fargate
•Lee Thomas, 12 Burgess street
•Levick Joseph & Son, Pond street
•Lewis Thomas & Son, George street
•Lord & Harvey, Bow street
•Loy William, 31 Westbar
•Mickelthwate Benjamin, 107 Eyre street
•Mills Charles, 14 Union st & Pitts moor
•Morton Jonathan, Moorfields
•Oakes Edward & Son, Orchard lane
•Padley, Norburn & Co. George street and Norfolk street
•Paramore Samuel, 6 Radford row
•Pearce John, 33 Gibraltar street
•Penistone & Cowlishaw, Smith street
•Pickslay, Appleby & Bertram, High street
•Pitts John, 13 Sims croft
•Pryor John, Garden street
•Rayner William & Co., St. James' street
•Rhodes & Son, Wicker
•Rhodes Matthew, 6 Fargate
•Roberts Joseph, 7 Spring street
•Rodgers Joseph & Sons, 6 Norfolk street
•Rowbotham, Wingfield & Wade, Tenter street
•Ryalls William, 14 Hereford street
•Sansom Thomas & Sons, 23 Norfolk street
•Savage George, Duke street, Park
•Savage Thomas, Solly street
•Saville Edward, 22 Duke street
•Saynor Thomas, Scargill croft, Bank street
•Shepherd George, 15 Solly street
•Skidmore Joseph, Pond street
•Skinner & Barber, Edward street
•Smith John, 76 Pea croft
•Smith Samuel, 82 Carver street
•Spencer & Crossland, 81 Allen street
•Swift James, 25 Smithfield
•Thompson & Barber, 27 Charles street
•Wade Jane, Arundel street
•Warburton Thomas, Charles street
•Wards, Brown & Morton, Howard street
•Webster & Sutton, Lambert street
•Wild John, Pond hill
•Willey William, 86 South street
•Winter John, 14 Orchard lane
•Wright John & Son, George street, Little Sheffield
•Wright Joseph, Court, 12 Silver street

Clasp Knife and Razor Manufacturers


'Monterrey' Jack Brass:


In the spirit of fostering research and the use of documentation in our efforts on 'The Cutting Edge' CAS City forum, the following info might be of interest regarding 19th cutlery manufacturers.

Below is a list of straight razor and clasp (pocket) knife manufacturers extracted from the Goins’ Encyclopedia of Cutlery Markings (1986) by John E. Goins, Knife World Publications. This excellent reference is out of print but worth owning if you can find a copy. My stop-date for this quick study was the American Civil War era, my mission at the time I worked on this project was to support living history efforts for that time period. Therefore makers active in the 1870s and 1880s are not targeted though many of the makers you see below were producing items then and sometimes beyond too. The cutlery makers listed below could have manufactured folding knives only, razors only, both folding knives and razors, made other types of cutlery, etc and such nuances are rarely delineated in my reference source for this project.

The intent of posting this list is for you to be able to confidently date at least some razors and pocket knives you may encounter in antique stores, auctions, yard sales, etc and know what you’re dealing with. St Geo, Mr Hunt, Prof Marvel, Dr Bob, RCJ, Delmonico, &c please feel free to add to the list below with your source info too where there are gaps.

J.M. Abbot & Co (c1860), Welchville, Maine
Levi Abbot (c1860), Welchville, Maine
Joseph A. Adams (c1860), 283 Pearl St, New York, NY
G(crown)R Allison (c1820-1830)
American Knife Company (c1849-1875), Plymouth Hollow, Conn
American Shear & Knife Company (c1853-1914), Hotchkissville, Conn
Ames Cutlery Company (c1829-1935), Lowell, Mass from 1791-1829, Chicopee Falls, Mass from 1829-1935
Andrew & Tredway DuBuque (c1853-1873), Chicago “Britnal, Terry and Beldon” on blade
J.H. Andrews & Co Ltd Sheffield (c1860), Toldeo Works, Sheffield
T. Ascher Sheffield (c1845)
William Atkins (c1848-1913), Sheffield
Trade Mark(bear)Milton Works (c1845)
Atkinson Bros (c1845), Sheffield
Joseph Badger & Sons (c1860-61), New Haven, Conn
Baker & Hamilton (c1854-1918)
Barlow(fish hook & backward N above name) (c1860-1881), Sheffield, blade marked B4*ANY F. WARD CO CUTLERY SHEFFIELD
James Barlow & Son Sheffield (c1828-1856)
Samuel Barlow (c1837), Sheffield
Geo. Barnsley & Sons (c1839-1938), Sheffield
Barton & Scofield (c1860), 18 & 20 Cliff St, New York, NY with factory in Sheffield
J.E. Basset & Co (c1747-1897), New Haven
W.B. Belknap (c1840-1860)
W.B. Belknap & Co (c1860-1880)
(fox) C.T. Bingham, late F. Fenney ‘Tally Ho’ (c1860), 1 Platt and 229 Pearl Streets, New York, NY
W. Bingham Co (c1841-1948), Cleveland
Birmingham Knife Co (c1849), Birmingham/Derby, Conn
William Bishop (c1850-51), 40 Congress St, Boston
Bolles & Hastings (c1841), 231 Main St, Hartford
Bradford Boston (c1845-1856), 142 Washington St, Boston
Bradford & Co Boston (c1856-1867), Boston
L. Bradley & Co Naugatuck (c1844-1896), Salem/Naugatuck and Middlebury, Conn
John Brammall (c1770-1880)
Brammell Storrs (c1778-1880), Sheffield, trademark ‘Joppa’
John Breed & Co (c1851), Norwich, Conn, importer
Brittain Wilkinson & Brownell Sheffield (c1780-1840), Sheffield, trademark ‘France’
(bell) Brookes & Crookes Makers Sheffield (c1859-1947)
Abram Brooksbank Sheffield (c1849-1864), cannon and defiance on back of tang
Abram Brooksbank Sheffield England (c1849-1864), Malinda Works Sheffield on tang
J. Brown W(crown)R (c1830-1837)
W(crown) R J.W. Brown & Co Columbia Work Sheffield (c1830-1837)
Brown & Kirby (c1851), 76 Chapel St, New Haven, Conn
Buck Bros (c1853-1927), Worchester, Mass
R. Bunting & Sons Cast Steel Cutlery Superior Temper (c1837-1864)
A. Burkinshaw Pain (c1856-1881)
A. Burkinshaw Pepperell (c1856-1920)
Butcher, Brown & Butcher (c1827-1830), changed name from Wade & Butcher in 1827, in 1830 was William & Samuel Butcher
W(crown)R Butcher Sheffield (c1830-1837)
W.S. Butcher Sheffield/Wade & Butcher (c1830-at least as late as1986), Sheffield
John Cartwright Pittsburgh PA (c1847-1858)
Cartwright & Young Pittsburgh (c1858-1860)
Joseph Church (c1838), 206 Main St, Hartford, Conn
Clark & Hall Cast Steel (c1797-1823)
Clark & Hall Warranted (c1797-1823)
Clark & Scofield (c1860) 5 and 7 Platt St, New York, NY
W. Clauberg Solingen Prussia (c1847-1875)
Franklin W. Coburn (c1858-1901), New Durham, New Hampshire
S(crossed pipes) Colley & Co Sheffield (c1834-1844)
Collins Co (c1826-1966), Collinsville, Conn
W(crown)R C. Congreaves patent American razor made from Naylor & Co’s celebrated steel (c1830-1837)
C. Congreaves W(crown)R (c1825-1865), Sheffield
James Crawshaw (c1826), successor to Nowill & Kippax
Johnathan Crookes & Son (c1827-at least 1986)
Septimus Crookes (c1860), 28 Cliff St, New York, NY, agent for Rogers & Sons, Sheffield
Cutter (c1850-1944), T. Ellin & Co
*D* Silver Steel (c1830-1837)
A. Davy & Sons/A. Davy’s Exchange Works (c1836-1870)
G. Deakin Sheffield (c1847-1870), 48 Eyre St, Sheffield
N. & R. Dodge (c1848-1860), 68 West St, Sheffield
G(crown)R Dudgeon (c1820-1830)
Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co (1849-1948), San Francisco, large wholesale house
G(crown)Edwards (c1830-1837)
Thomas Ellin & Co Vulcan Steel (c1850-1944)
T. Ellin & Co (c1850-1944), Sylvester Works, Arundel St, Sheffield
Thomas Richardson Ellin (c1860-1928), Footprint Works, Sheffield
Joseph Elliot & Sons Cutlers Sheffield (c1795-at least as late as1986)
Joseph Elliot Fine India Steel (c1795- at least as late as1986)
Joseph Elliot & Son Sheffield (c1795- at least as late as1986)
Ellis Brothers & Co (c1860), 217 Pearl St, New York, NY
Elsassische Werezeug Fabrik (c1858-1915)
Empire Knife Co Winsted Conn (c1856-1930)
Empire Razor Winstead Conn (c1856-1880)
Eton (c1830-1837), W(crown)R Rogerson on blade
Eyre Ward & Co Sheafworks Sheffield (c1852-1869)
John Farr (c1821-1852), Sheffield
F. Fenney Sheffield Warranted/‘Tally Ho’ F. Fenney Sheffield Warranted/Friedrich Fenney (c1824-1852)
J. Fielding Sheffield (c1848-1867)
Les Fils de Puegot France (c1847-1883), located in Valestigney
H. Fininley (c1850-1851), 18 School St, Boston
French Bird Co (c1849)
W. Frisbee (c1792-1807), London
W(crown)R S. Frost Shear Steel (c1830-1837)
F.W.C. (c1858-1901), F. W. Coburn
Gilbert & Co (c1841), 199 Main St, Hartford, Conn
W. Greaves Warranted/W. Greaves/Fame W. Greaves/Greaves’s Patent (c1799-1816)
William Greaves Sheffield (c1780-1816)
Manufactured by W. Greaves & Sons Sheaf Works/W. Graves & Sons (c1816-1870)
W. Greaves & Sons Cast Steel Warranted Sheaf Works/W. Greaves & Sons Sheaf Works (c1816-1870)
Joseph C. Grubb & Co (c1863), 236 Market St, Philadelphia, importers
Hatfields Ltd (c1861-1922), Helca Works, Sheffield
I. Hall (c1795-1830), Jonathan Hall, Sheffield
Samuel Hancock & Sons (c1836-1909), Sheffield
Thomas Hanover (c1860), Bangor, Maine
(heart eagle heart) Harrington Cutlery Co (c1819 until at least as late as 1986)
Harrison Bros & Howson Sheffield Cutlers to her Majesty 45 Norfolk St (c1853-1919), Sheffield
J.T. Hart & Co Kensington (c1851), Conn
R. Hartkopf (c1855-1957), Solingen
Charles Hasmer (c1828), Main St, Hartford
Hatch & Merrill (c1860), Charlestown, Mass
Alexander Haugh (c1856-1860) 2 Mechanics’ B St, New Haven, Conn
Haugh & Frisbee (c1857-1858), New Haven, Conn
Hawcroft & Pearson (c1837-1844), Sheffield
John Heiffor 3 Paradise Square Sheffield (c1861)
J. A. Henkels (c1731-present)
Silas Hoadley (c1849), Plymouth, Conn
Holley & Co Salisbury (c1844-1846)
Holley & Co Lakeville (c1846-1854)
Holley Mfg Co Lakeville (c1854-1930s)
Hudson & Putnam (c1838), 209 Main St, Hartford, Conn
Jonathon Hunt Patent (c1829-1837)
N. Hunt & Co (c1850-1851), 128 Washington St, Boston
G. Ibberson (c1700-until at least as late as 1986)
Ibbotson Peace Co (c1847-1864), 84 Russell St, Sheffield
Iver Johnson Co (founded 1840)
James Johnson Silver Steel (c1818-1853)
James Johnson Superior Silver Steel (c1818-1853)
Thomas B. Johnson (c.1860), Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Hy. Kaufmann (c1856-as late as 1986), Solingen
John Kay (c1856-1858), New Haven, Conn
Kennedy & Way (c1838), 197 Main St, Hartford, Conn
Kingman & Hassam (c1855-1860), 128 & 144 Washington St, Boston, by 1864 was called Hassam Bros
Robert Klaas (c1834 to at least as late as 1986)
Krusius Cutlery (c1856-1983), Solingen
Adolph W. Kummerlen (c1860), Bridgeport, Conn
L&G/Lamson & Goodnow Co (c1853-at least as late as 1986)
Lamson Goodnow & Co Army Knife (c1860-1865), Mass, knife & fork combination
J. Lee Medway Mass (c1820-1833)
Chas. S. Little (c1860), 200 Broadway, New York, NY
C & X Lockwood Bros (c1849-1970), Sheffield
H.G. Long & Co (c1846-at least as late as 1986), Sheffield
Joseph Mappin & Bros (c1848-1853), Sheffield
Mappin, Webb & Co (c1835-1964)
G. S. Mark (c1860), Portland, Maine
W&T Marsh W(crown)R (c1830-1837)
Marsh Bros Celebrated Cutlery (c1860-1947), Sheffield, with offices in New York, NY in 1860
V(crown)R Marshes & Shepherd Pond Works Sheffield (c1837-1850)
J. Martin Albany/James Martin (c1832-1874)
Mazeppa (c1847-1909), Sheffield
James T. Mix (c1851), 59 & 61 State St, New Haven, Conn
John Mix (c1810-1830s), Yalesville, Conn, contractor to government for bayonets and small arms
B. H. Morse (c1857-1858), Waterbury, Conn
J.A. Mousell (c1860), 48 Fulton, Newy York, NY
J. Murphy (c1849-1850), 10 Dock St, Boston, by 1855 firm was named J&R Murphy
Naylor & Sanderson/N & S Patent (c1810-1830)
John A. Newbold (c1860), 13 Gold St, New York, NY
New England Cutlery Co (c1852-1860), New Haven then Wallingford, Conn
New York Knife Co, Matteawan (c1852-1856)
New York Knife Co, Walden (c1856-1931), New York
W(crown)R WM. Nicholson (c1830-37)
Nicholson & Shield (c1859), 169 Main St, Hartford, Conn
Samuel Norris Sheffield (c1795-1815), used trademark ‘*P. Cast Steel’
Northfield Knife Co. Conn (c1858-1919)
W(crown)R Oates Refined Steel (c1830-1837)
C.S. Osborne & Co (c1826-1883), Newark, made mostly leather working tools
Saml. Osborne & Co (c1841-1928), Sheffield
Parkin Acier Fondu (c1785-1800), Staniforth Parkin & Co
W(crown)R Parkin’s Patent S. Ager’s Tristram India Steel (c1830-1837)
W.K. & C. Peace (c1835-1947), Sheffield
David Peeler (c1850-1851), Montage, Mass
H.M. Phelps (c1857-1858), Waterbury, Conn
Charles Pickslay & Co. Cutlers to the Royal Family Royal York Works Sheffield (c1832-1843)
Puma (c1769-at least as late as 1986), Pumawerk, Solingen
Rawling & Jepson (c1860-1861), 113 Olive St, New Haven, Conn
Rawson Brothers Sheffield (c1860), Carver St, Sheffield
J. Rawson & Sons Birmingham (c1846-1853), Birmingham, Conn, in 1853 moved to New Haven
Rawson New Haven/J. Rawson & Sons (c1853-1883)
P.A. Reuss (c1861-1909), Mazeppa Works, Sheffield
Rhodes & Champion (c1814-1826)
Rice & Lathrup (c1860), West Winsted, Conn
Rice, Lathrup & Clary (c1856), West Winsted, Conn
Stephen Richard Co (c1862-1908), Southbridge, Mass, importers and manufacturers
H. Ridgeway Sunderland (c1844-1871)
G(crown)R Rodgers Cutlers to His Majesty (c1820-1830)
W(crown)R James Rodgers Superior Cutlery (c1830-1837)
V(crown)R Joseph Rodgers & Sons Cutlers to their Majesties (c1837-1901), 6 Norfolk St, star and cross on back of tang
V(crown)R Rodgers Cutlers to Her Majesty Patent (c1837-1901), star and cross on back of tang
V(crown)R Joseph Rodgers & Sons Cutlers to Her Majesty Patent (c1837-1901), star and cross on back of tang
V(crown)R Rodgers Cutlers to Her Majesty Patent No. 6 Norfolk St (c1837-1901), star and cross on back of tang
W. Rodgers Celebrated (c1830-1890)
William Rodgers Sheffield (c1830-at least as late as 1986)
W(crown)R Rogerson (c1830-1837), Eton on tang
John Rowe & Co (c1860), 269 Pearl St, New York, NY
Ruff & Lautz (c1860), 9 Court Ave, Boston
Amos Sanborn (c1860), Lowell, Mass
Sanderson Bros & Newbould Ltd (c1860-1933), Newhall Steel Works, Sheffield
Geo. S. Sanford (c1855), 2 Exchange Place. Bridgeport, Conn
J.M. Schmid & Co. (c1857-1964)
John Scotti Warranted Lafayette (c1824)
O.D. Seymour (c1851), 36 Pearl St, Hartford, Conn
Shelburne Falls Cutlery (c1851-1860), founded in 1837 as Lamson & Goodnow, then to Lamson & Goodnow Manufacturing in 1853
C.R. Shelton (c1849-1851) Birmingham, Conn and Westville, Conn
Singleton & Priestman Sheffield England (c1861)
H.M. Slater Ltd (c1853 to present), Sheffield
John Smith (c1856), Lowell, Mass
Smith Bros (c1860-1910), in 1860 at 49 Hawley St, 1864 at 19 Hawley St
W. & E.H. Smith (c1850-1851), Dalton, Mass
Smith & Hopkins Naugatuck (c1848-1850)
Smith & McMaster (c1860), 25 Cliff St, New York, NY
J.P. Snow & Co Chigago Ill (c1861), offices in Chicago, Ill and Hartford, Conn
Southern & Richardson (c1846-1961), Sheffield
South River Cut. Co. Conway Mass. (c1851-1856)
Stacey Bros (c1847-1920), Sheffield
Wm. Thomas Staniforth (c1852-1906), Sheffield
Steer & Webster Makers Sheffield/ Steer & Webster Sheffield (c1833-1867), Castle Hill, Sheffield
R.S. Stenton (c1860), 1 Platt St and 229 Pearl St, New York, NY, agents for C.T. Bingham of Sheffield
Paul Storr London (c1792-1844)
Swain Cutlery Bronxville, N.Y. (c1858-1898)
Henry Taylor (c1862-1927), Sheffield
Thompson & Barber (c1826)
Thompson & Gascoinage (c1852-1856)
George Tiemann & Co (c1826-1887), 107 Park Row, New York, NY
W(crown)R Tillotson Sheffield (c1830-1837), ‘Far West Hunting Knife’ on blade
Torrey Razor Co. (c1858-1963), Worcester, Mass, razor importers from England and Sweden until 1880
L.D. Towne (c1850-1851), Worcester, Mass
Trade(bear)Mark Milton Works (c1845), Sheffield
Andrew & Tredway (c1853-1873)
M. Trustworthy (c1860-1964)
3/T Trade Mark (c1811-1952), E.K. Tryon Co, Philadelphia on back of tang
V(crown)R Thomas Turner & Co Sheffield/Encore T. Turner Best Steel/Turner & Co Cutlers to Her Majesty (c1834-1901), Sheffield
Thomas Turner & Sons (c1860), 25 Cliff St, New York, NY
Turton Bros & Matthews Ltd (c1860-1914), Steel, File & Spring Works, Sheffield
W.A. Tyzack Sheffield (c1850-1953), Stella Works, Sheffield
W. Tyzack Sons & Turner Ltd (c1861-at least as late as 1986), Sheffield
Union Knife Co Naugatuck (c1851-1885)
United Knife Co (c1860), Litchfield, Conn
Unwin & Rodgers Sheffield (c1848-1867)
Van Vakt & Naylor W(crown)R (c1830-1837)
J. Veall (c1836-1882), Sheffield, trademark ‘ Taylor’s eye witness’
Venture H.M. Slater (c1853 to at lease as late as 1986)
Vulcan Cutlery (c1846-1944)
Wade/R. Wade (c1810-1818), became Wade & Butcher in 1818
Wade, Wingfield and Rowbothham Sheffield (c1825-1858), No 82 Trenter St. Sheffield, crown and Harps on back of tang, small blade marked Wade, Wingfield & Rowbotham Sheffield
Wade & Butcher Sheffield (B) arrow & cross/Wade & Butcher Sheffield (c1818-at least as late as 1986)
(anchor) Wade & Butcher (c1818-1890)
Wade & Butcher Sheffield the Celebrated Fine India Razor (c1818-at least as late as 1986)
Wade & Butcher for Barber’s Use (c1818-1890)
Wade & Butcher (B) arrow & cross (c1818-1890)
J. Walters & Co Globe Works Sheffield (c1846-182)
F. Ward & Co Sheffield (c1857-1881)
F. Ward & Co Cutlery Sheffield (c1856-1881)
S & C Wardlow Sheffield (c1855-1920)
G(crown)R Warner (c1820-1830)
J.M. Warren & Co (c1860), 241 and 243 River Troy, New York
W’ville (c1847-1865), Waterville Mfg Co
G.M. Way & Co Hartford/George M. Way & Co (c1859) 342 Main St, Hartford, Conn
A. Weddell (c1850-1851), 15 Hawley St, Boston
Wester & Butz (c1852-1966), Solingen
Wilkinson (c1772-as late as 1986), Sheffield
H. Wilkenson (c1843), 64 and 66 ½ Front St, Hartford, Conn
W. Wilkenson & Sons Ltd (c1777-1917), Sheffield
I. Wilson (c1750-1952), Sheffield
Winchester & Johnson (c1839), 230 Main St, Hartford, Conn
J. Wiss & Sons (c1848 to as late as 1986), Newark
C.F. Wolferlitz Co (c1862-1873)
G. Woodhead Sheffield England (c1850-1876), 36 Howard St, Sheffield

J.M. Abbot & Co (c1860), Welchville, MaineLevi Abbot (c1860), Welchville, MaineJoseph A. Adams (c1860), 283 Pearl St, New York, NYG(crown)R Allison (c1820-1830)American Knife Company (c1849-1875), Plymouth Hollow, ConnAmerican Shear & Knife Company (c1853-1914), Hotchkissville, ConnAmes Cutlery Company (c1829-1935), Lowell, Mass from 1791-1829,Chicopee Falls, Mass from 1829-1935Andrew & Tredway DuBuque (c1853-1873), Chicago “Britnal, Terry andBeldon” on bladeJ.H. Andrews & Co Ltd Sheffield (c1860), Toldeo Works, SheffieldT. Ascher Sheffield (c1845)William Atkins (c1848-1913), SheffieldTrade Mark(bear)Milton Works (c1845)Atkinson Bros (c1845), Sheffield CLASP KNIFE &/OR RAZORMANUFACTURERSJoseph Badger & Sons (c1860-61), New Haven, ConnBaker & Hamilton (c1854-1918)Barlow(fish hook & backward N above name) (c1860-1881), Sheffield,blade marked B4*ANY F. WARD CO CUTLERY SHEFFIELDJames Barlow & Son Sheffield (c1828-1856)Samuel Barlow (c1837), SheffieldGeo. Barnsley & Sons (c1839-1938), SheffieldBarton & Scofield (c1860), 18 & 20 Cliff St, New York, NY with factory inSheffieldJ.E. Basset & Co (c1747-1897), New HavenW.B. Belknap (c1840-1860)W.B. Belknap & Co (c1860-1880)(fox) C.T. Bingham, late F. Fenney ‘Tally Ho’ (c1860), 1 Platt and 229Pearl Streets, New York, NYW. Bingham Co (c1841-1948), ClevelandBirmingham Knife Co (c1849), Birmingham/Derby, ConnWilliam Bishop (c1850-51), 40 Congress St, BostonBolles & Hastings (c1841), 231 Main St, HartfordBradford Boston (c1845-1856), 142 Washington St, BostonBradford & Co Boston (c1856-1867), BostonL. Bradley & Co Naugatuck (c1844-1896), Salem/Naugatuck andMiddlebury, ConnJohn Brammall (c1770-1880)Brammell Storrs (c1778-1880), Sheffield, trademark ‘Joppa’John Breed & Co (c1851), Norwich, Conn, importerBrittain Wilkinson & Brownell Sheffield (c1780-1840), Sheffield,trademark ‘France’(bell) Brookes & Crookes Makers Sheffield (c1859-1947)Abram Brooksbank Sheffield (c1849-1864), cannon and defiance on
back of tangAbram Brooksbank Sheffield England (c1849-1864), Malinda WorksSheffield on tangJ. Brown W(crown)R (c1830-1837)W(crown) R J.W. Brown & Co Columbia Work Sheffield (c1830-1837)Brown & Kirby (c1851), 76 Chapel St, New Haven, ConnBuck Bros (c1853-1927), Worchester, MassR. Bunting & Sons Cast Steel Cutlery Superior Temper (c1837-1864)A. Burkinshaw Pain (c1856-1881)A. Burkinshaw Pepperell (c1856-1920)Butcher, Brown & Butcher (c1827-1830), changed name from Wade &Butcher in 1827, in 1830 was William & Samuel ButcherW(crown)R Butcher Sheffield (c1830-1837)W.S. Butcher Sheffield/Wade & Butcher (c1830-at least as lateas1986), SheffieldJohn Cartwright Pittsburgh PA (c1847-1858)Cartwright & Young Pittsburgh (c1858-1860)Joseph Church (c1838), 206 Main St, Hartford, ConnClark & Hall Cast Steel (c1797-1823)Clark & Hall Warranted (c1797-1823)Clark & Scofield (c1860) 5 and 7 Platt St, New York, NYW. Clauberg Solingen Prussia (c1847-1875)Franklin W. Coburn (c1858-1901), New Durham, New HampshireS(crossed pipes) Colley & Co Sheffield (c1834-1844)Collins Co (c1826-1966), Collinsville, ConnW(crown)R C. Congreaves patent American razor made from Naylor &Co’s celebrated steel (c1830-1837)C. Congreaves W(crown)R (c1825-1865), SheffieldJames Crawshaw (c1826), successor to Nowill & KippaxJohnathan Crookes & Son (c1827-at least 1986)Septimus Crookes (c1860), 28 Cliff St, New York, NY, agent for Rogers& Sons, SheffieldCutter (c1850-1944), T. Ellin & Co*D* Silver Steel (c1830-1837)A. Davy & Sons/A. Davy’s Exchange Works (c1836-1870)G. Deakin Sheffield (c1847-1870), 48 Eyre St, SheffieldN. & R. Dodge (c1848-1860), 68 West St, SheffieldG(crown)R Dudgeon (c1820-1830)Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co (1849-1948), San Francisco, largewholesale houseG(crown)Edwards (c1830-1837)Thomas Ellin & Co Vulcan Steel (c1850-1944)T. Ellin & Co (c1850-1944), Sylvester Works, Arundel St, SheffieldThomas Richardson Ellin (c1860-1928), Footprint Works, SheffieldJoseph Elliot & Sons Cutlers Sheffield (c1795-at least as late as1986)Joseph Elliot Fine India Steel (c1795- at least as late as1986)
Joseph Elliot & Son Sheffield (c1795- at least as late as1986)Ellis Brothers & Co (c1860), 217 Pearl St, New York, NYElsassische Werezeug Fabrik (c1858-1915)Empire Knife Co Winsted Conn (c1856-1930)Empire Razor Winstead Conn (c1856-1880)Eton (c1830-1837), W(crown)R Rogerson on bladeEyre Ward & Co Sheafworks Sheffield (c1852-1869)John Farr (c1821-1852), SheffieldF. Fenney Sheffield Warranted/‘Tally Ho’ F. Fenney SheffieldWarranted/Friedrich Fenney (c1824-1852)J. Fielding Sheffield (c1848-1867)Les Fils de Puegot France (c1847-1883), located in ValestigneyH. Fininley (c1850-1851), 18 School St, BostonFrench Bird Co (c1849)W. Frisbee (c1792-1807), LondonW(crown)R S. Frost Shear Steel (c1830-1837)F.W.C. (c1858-1901), F. W. CoburnGilbert & Co (c1841), 199 Main St, Hartford, ConnW. Greaves Warranted/W. Greaves/Fame W. Greaves/Greaves’s Patent(c1799-1816)William Greaves Sheffield (c1780-1816)Manufactured by W. Greaves & Sons Sheaf Works/W. Graves & Sons(c1816-1870)W. Greaves & Sons Cast Steel Warranted Sheaf Works/W. Greaves &Sons Sheaf Works (c1816-1870)Joseph C. Grubb & Co (c1863), 236 Market St, Philadelphia, importersHatfields Ltd (c1861-1922), Helca Works, SheffieldI. Hall (c1795-1830), Jonathan Hall, SheffieldSamuel Hancock & Sons (c1836-1909), SheffieldThomas Hanover (c1860), Bangor, Maine(heart eagle heart) Harrington Cutlery Co (c1819 until at least as lateas 1986)Harrison Bros & Howson Sheffield Cutlers to her Majesty 45 Norfolk St(c1853-1919), SheffieldJ.T. Hart & Co Kensington (c1851), ConnR. Hartkopf (c1855-1957), SolingenCharles Hasmer (c1828), Main St, HartfordHatch & Merrill (c1860), Charlestown, MassAlexander Haugh (c1856-1860) 2 Mechanics’ B St, New Haven, ConnHaugh & Frisbee (c1857-1858), New Haven, ConnHawcroft & Pearson (c1837-1844), SheffieldJohn Heiffor 3 Paradise Square Sheffield (c1861)J. A. Henkels (c1731-present)Silas Hoadley (c1849), Plymouth, ConnHolley & Co Salisbury (c1844-1846)Holley & Co Lakeville (c1846-1854)
Holley Mfg Co Lakeville (c1854-1930s)Hudson & Putnam (c1838), 209 Main St, Hartford, ConnJonathon Hunt Patent (c1829-1837)N. Hunt & Co (c1850-1851), 128 Washington St, BostonG. Ibberson (c1700-until at least as late as 1986)Ibbotson Peace Co (c1847-1864), 84 Russell St, SheffieldIver Johnson Co (founded 1840)James Johnson Silver Steel (c1818-1853)James Johnson Superior Silver Steel (c1818-1853)Thomas B. Johnson (c.1860), Portsmouth, New HampshireHy. Kaufmann (c1856-as late as 1986), SolingenJohn Kay (c1856-1858), New Haven, ConnKennedy & Way (c1838), 197 Main St, Hartford, ConnKingman & Hassam (c1855-1860), 128 & 144 Washington St, Boston,by 1864 was called Hassam BrosRobert Klaas (c1834 to at least as late as 1986)Krusius Cutlery (c1856-1983), SolingenAdolph W. Kummerlen (c1860), Bridgeport, ConnL&G/Lamson & Goodnow Co (c1853-at least as late as 1986)Lamson Goodnow & Co Army Knife (c1860-1865), Mass, knife & forkcombinationJ. Lee Medway Mass (c1820-1833)Chas. S. Little (c1860), 200 Broadway, New York, NYC & X Lockwood Bros (c1849-1970), SheffieldH.G. Long & Co (c1846-at least as late as 1986), SheffieldJoseph Mappin & Bros (c1848-1853), SheffieldMappin, Webb & Co (c1835-1964)G. S. Mark (c1860), Portland, MaineW&T Marsh W(crown)R (c1830-1837)Marsh Bros Celebrated Cutlery (c1860-1947), Sheffield, with offices inNew York, NY in 1860V(crown)R Marshes & Shepherd Pond Works Sheffield (c1837-1850)J. Martin Albany/James Martin (c1832-1874)Mazeppa (c1847-1909), SheffieldJames T. Mix (c1851), 59 & 61 State St, New Haven, ConnJohn Mix (c1810-1830s), Yalesville, Conn, contractor to government forbayonets and small armsB. H. Morse (c1857-1858), Waterbury, ConnJ.A. Mousell (c1860), 48 Fulton, Newy York, NYJ. Murphy (c1849-1850), 10 Dock St, Boston, by 1855 firm was namedJ&R MurphyNaylor & Sanderson/N & S Patent (c1810-1830)John A. Newbold (c1860), 13 Gold St, New York, NYNew England Cutlery Co (c1852-1860), New Haven then Wallingford,ConnNew York Knife Co, Matteawan (c1852-1856) New York Knife Co, Walden (c1856-1931), New YorkW(crown)R WM. Nicholson (c1830-37)Nicholson & Shield (c1859), 169 Main St, Hartford, ConnSamuel Norris Sheffield (c1795-1815), used trademark ‘*P. Cast Steel’Northfield Knife Co. Conn (c1858-1919)W(crown)R Oates Refined Steel (c1830-1837)C.S. Osborne & Co (c1826-1883), Newark, made mostly leatherworking toolsSaml. Osborne & Co (c1841-1928), SheffieldParkin Acier Fondu (c1785-1800), Staniforth Parkin & CoW(crown)R Parkin’s Patent S. Ager’s Tristram India Steel (c1830-1837)W.K. & C. Peace (c1835-1947), SheffieldDavid Peeler (c1850-1851), Montage, MassH.M. Phelps (c1857-1858), Waterbury, ConnCharles Pickslay & Co. Cutlers to the Royal Family Royal York WorksSheffield (c1832-1843)Puma (c1769-at least as late as 1986), Pumawerk, SolingenRawling & Jepson (c1860-1861), 113 Olive St, New Haven, ConnRawson Brothers Sheffield (c1860), Carver St, SheffieldJ. Rawson & Sons Birmingham (c1846-1853), Birmingham, Conn, in1853 moved to New HavenRawson New Haven/J. Rawson & Sons (c1853-1883)P.A. Reuss (c1861-1909), Mazeppa Works, SheffieldRhodes & Champion (c1814-1826)Rice & Lathrup (c1860), West Winsted, ConnRice, Lathrup & Clary (c1856), West Winsted, ConnStephen Richard Co (c1862-1908), Southbridge, Mass, importers andmanufacturersH. Ridgeway Sunderland (c1844-1871)G(crown)R Rodgers Cutlers to His Majesty (c1820-1830)W(crown)R James Rodgers Superior Cutlery (c1830-1837)V(crown)R Joseph Rodgers & Sons Cutlers to their Majesties (c1837-1901), 6 Norfolk St, star and cross on back of tangV(crown)R Rodgers Cutlers to Her Majesty Patent (c1837-1901), starand cross on back of tangV(crown)R Joseph Rodgers & Sons Cutlers to Her Majesty Patent(c1837-1901), star and cross on back of tangV(crown)R Rodgers Cutlers to Her Majesty Patent No. 6 Norfolk St(c1837-1901), star and cross on back of tangW. Rodgers Celebrated (c1830-1890)William Rodgers Sheffield (c1830-at least as late as 1986)W(crown)R Rogerson (c1830-1837), Eton on tangJohn Rowe & Co (c1860), 269 Pearl St, New York, NYRuff & Lautz (c1860), 9 Court Ave, BostonAmos Sanborn (c1860), Lowell, MassSanderson Bros & Newbould Ltd (c1860-1933), Newhall Steel Works,
SheffieldGeo. S. Sanford (c1855), 2 Exchange Place. Bridgeport, ConnJ.M. Schmid & Co. (c1857-1964)John Scotti Warranted Lafayette (c1824)O.D. Seymour (c1851), 36 Pearl St, Hartford, ConnShelburne Falls Cutlery (c1851-1860), founded in 1837 as Lamson &Goodnow, then to Lamson & Goodnow Manufacturing in 1853C.R. Shelton (c1849-1851) Birmingham, Conn and Westville, ConnSingleton & Priestman Sheffield England (c1861)H.M. Slater Ltd (c1853 to present), SheffieldJohn Smith (c1856), Lowell, MassSmith Bros (c1860-1910), in 1860 at 49 Hawley St, 1864 at 19 HawleyStW. & E.H. Smith (c1850-1851), Dalton, MassSmith & Hopkins Naugatuck (c1848-1850)Smith & McMaster (c1860), 25 Cliff St, New York, NYJ.P. Snow & Co Chigago Ill (c1861), offices in Chicago, Ill and Hartford,ConnSouthern & Richardson (c1846-1961), SheffieldSouth River Cut. Co. Conway Mass. (c1851-1856)Stacey Bros (c1847-1920), SheffieldWm. Thomas Staniforth (c1852-1906), SheffieldSteer & Webster Makers Sheffield/ Steer & Webster Sheffield (c1833-1867), Castle Hill, SheffieldR.S. Stenton (c1860), 1 Platt St and 229 Pearl St, New York, NY, agentsfor C.T. Bingham of SheffieldPaul Storr London (c1792-1844)Swain Cutlery Bronxville, N.Y. (c1858-1898)Henry Taylor (c1862-1927), SheffieldThompson & Barber (c1826)Thompson & Gascoinage (c1852-1856)George Tiemann & Co (c1826-1887), 107 Park Row, New York, NYW(crown)R Tillotson Sheffield (c1830-1837), ‘Far West Hunting Knife’on bladeTorrey Razor Co. (c1858-1963), Worcester, Mass, razor importers fromEngland and Sweden until 1880L.D. Towne (c1850-1851), Worcester, MassTrade(bear)Mark Milton Works (c1845), SheffieldAndrew & Tredway (c1853-1873)M. Trustworthy (c1860-1964)3/T Trade Mark (c1811-1952), E.K. Tryon Co, Philadelphia on back of tangV(crown)R Thomas Turner & Co Sheffield/Encore T. Turner BestSteel/Turner & Co Cutlers to Her Majesty (c1834-1901), SheffieldThomas Turner & Sons (c1860), 25 Cliff St, New York, NYTurton Bros & Matthews Ltd (c1860-1914), Steel, File & Spring Works,
SheffieldW.A. Tyzack Sheffield (c1850-1953), Stella Works, SheffieldW. Tyzack Sons & Turner Ltd (c1861-at least as late as 1986), SheffieldUnion Knife Co Naugatuck (c1851-1885)United Knife Co (c1860), Litchfield, ConnUnwin & Rodgers Sheffield (c1848-1867)Van Vakt & Naylor W(crown)R (c1830-1837)J. Veall (c1836-1882), Sheffield, trademark ‘ Taylor’s eye witness’Venture H.M. Slater (c1853 to at lease as late as 1986)Vulcan Cutlery (c1846-1944)Wade/R. Wade (c1810-1818), became Wade & Butcher in 1818Wade, Wingfield and Rowbothham Sheffield (c1825-1858), No 82Trenter St. Sheffield, crown and Harps on back of tang, small blademarked Wade, Wingfield & Rowbotham SheffieldWade & Butcher Sheffield (B) arrow & cross/Wade & Butcher Sheffield(c1818-at least as late as 1986)(anchor) Wade & Butcher (c1818-1890)Wade & Butcher Sheffield the Celebrated Fine India Razor (c1818-atleast as late as 1986)Wade & Butcher for Barber’s Use (c1818-1890)Wade & Butcher (B) arrow & cross (c1818-1890)J. Walters & Co Globe Works Sheffield (c1846-182)F. Ward & Co Sheffield (c1857-1881)F. Ward & Co Cutlery Sheffield (c1856-1881)S & C Wardlow Sheffield (c1855-1920)G(crown)R Warner (c1820-1830)J.M. Warren & Co (c1860), 241 and 243 River Troy, New YorkW’ville (c1847-1865), Waterville Mfg CoG.M. Way & Co Hartford/George M. Way & Co (c1859) 342 Main St,Hartford, ConnA. Weddell (c1850-1851), 15 Hawley St, BostonWester & Butz (c1852-1966), SolingenWilkinson (c1772-as late as 1986), SheffieldH. Wilkenson (c1843), 64 and 66 ½ Front St, Hartford, ConnW. Wilkenson & Sons Ltd (c1777-1917), SheffieldI. Wilson (c1750-1952), SheffieldWinchester & Johnson (c1839), 230 Main St, Hartford, ConnJ. Wiss & Sons (c1848 to as late as 1986), NewarkC.F. Wolferlitz Co (c1862-1873)G. Woodhead Sheffield England (c1850-1876), 36 Howard St, SheffieldGeorge Wostenholm W(crown)Celebrated Improved Cutlery (c1832-1837), Rockingham Works, SheffieldI*XL George Wostenholm & Son Celebrated Improved CutleryRockingham Works Sheffield (c1837-1848)G. Wostenholm & Sons Washington Works (c1848-1890), SheffieldJ. Wostenholm & Co (c1848-1854)
J. Wostenholm & Sons (maltese cross) EBRO (maltese cross) (c1854-1867), Leicester St, SheffieldM. S. Young & Co (c1843-1885), Allentown
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I*XL George Wostenholm & Son Celebrated Improved Cutlery Rockingham Works Sheffield (c1837-1848)
G. Wostenholm & Sons Washington Works (c1848-1890), Sheffield
J. Wostenholm & Co (c1848-1854)
J. Wostenholm & Sons (maltese cross) EBRO (maltese cross) (c1854-1867), Leicester St, Sheffield
M. S. Young & Co (c1843-1885), Allentown
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Messaggi: 5950
Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

Il post in questione lo troverete linkato nel thread iniziale.

Dai testi in internet scritti da Lummus, oltre alla lista dei rasoi Sheffield con tanto di indice dei forgiatori e localita' specifiche, si desume anche che:

1.I simboli stanno ad indicare:
GR=George II,III,IV prima del 1830 (1820 circa)
WR [sovereign's Duty Mark] = William IV (1820-1837) ma questa sigla fu utilizzata anche nel 1850/1860
VR [sovereign's Duty Mark] = Victoria (1837-1901)
GR [sovereign's Duty Mark] = George V,VI (1910-1952)

2.Il rasoio Acier Fondu reca la scritta GB che sta ad indicare Great Britain (Gran Bretagna)e forse,dico forse, e' stato forgiato anche prime del 1820,addirittura intorno al 1770.

3.Nel 1820 il fisico Michael Faraday propose un metodo per amalgamare all'acciaio fuso (acier fondu,cast steel)l'argento.Sara' forse questo il segreto della cosidetta "finitura a specchio"originale?
Messaggi: 940
Iscritto il: 15/07/2010, 11:29
Località: Moglia (MN)

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da andreat63 »

grazie paciccio e aldebaran.
non avrei mai pensato che quel punzone è un crogiolo stilizzato. il "gambo", immagino fosse il manico. o era un tubo cavo da cui colava l'acciaio fuso?
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Messaggi: 5950
Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

Penso che sia la "seconda"che hai detto.
Grazie a te per la panoramica sui rasoi Sheffield, dovresti scrivere un articolo su un giornale di antiquariato come fece Lummus...Ne hai pure di piu'! :mrgreen:
A proposito del mio ultimo post si cui tratto il silver steel.Un'altra panoramica sulla lega argento-acciaio (cast steel) la trovate qui:
Silver Steel
Messaggi: 940
Iscritto il: 15/07/2010, 11:29
Località: Moglia (MN)

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da andreat63 »

Aldebaran ha scritto:Penso che sia la "seconda"che hai detto.
Grazie a te per la panoramica sui rasoi Sheffield, dovresti scrivere un articolo su un giornale di antiquariato come fece Lummus...Ne hai pure di piu'! :mrgreen:
A proposito del mio ultimo post si cui tratto il silver steel.Un'altra panoramica sulla lega argento-acciaio (cast steel) la trovate qui:
Silver Steel
il vero silver steel conteneva davvero una piccola parte di Ag, di cui non vedo riferimementi nell'O1 e neppure nel CSS.
i vecchi rasoi in silver seel facevano un ossido simile all'Ag. lo scopo di tale lega, non era l'effetto antiruggine, che pure qualcosa faceva, in questo senso, o la lucidatura a specchio, ottenibile anche in non legati, ma aveve un grano più fine a parità di martellature.
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Messaggi: 5950
Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

Il libro nell'archivio di Google di cui ho postato il link afferma esattamente cio' che tu hai appena detto, ma e' scritto in maniera piu' generica,ovvero,che una piccola quantita' di argento nell'acciaio facilita la lavorazione della lama.
Che l'O1 e l'HSS non abbiano argento,come si puo' notare dalle tabelle da me redatte,e' sicuro.Forse coloro che hanno fatto questo riferimento,intendevano descrivere le prestazioni generali del prodotto finale comparandole con quelle di uno strumento in O1...Bho!
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Messaggi: 3025
Iscritto il: 25/03/2013, 21:55
Località: Roma

Re: Il Giudice Henry T. Lummus

Messaggio da altus »

Secondo articolo di Henry T. Lummus nel 1927
"Le voyage est court. Essayons de le faire en premiére classe." (Noiret)
la collezione - il cantiere di restauro - gli astucci

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