Steel Selection

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Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 18:26
Località: Milano - Chieti

Steel Selection

Messaggio da Aldebaran »

I think good write up of sheets of various steels, stainless and not to make more 'quick and easy selection of products with which to forge our razors and knives.
I will start by describing the selection criteria that I give an image of this objective reality ', regardless of the preferences that each of us has in regard to a steel rather than another.
The choice of a type of steel.

1) Features you want.

For this is' requirement that must aim at more 'interesting (hardness, toughness,' hardening, 'deform', etc.). Pero'trascurare without secondary requirements.
In that regard must be taken naturally present difficulties' treatment related to the shape of the workpiece and the influence of size on the characteristics reached after treatment, adopting hardenable steels in oil and air for parts of complicated shape which can lead to deformities and broken.

2) Quality 'of the material.
To determine the quality 'of the material should not be based only on its chemical composition but also on other factors such as:

a) The mode 'processing of steel, which determine its gas content and non-metallic inclusions;

b) The mode 'processing, particularly hot, which determine whether the absence of defects, surface or interior of the material;

c) the terms' heat treatment, and in particular the cycles of annealing determining the degree of shaving 'or formability' cold, and the cycle characteristics in determining remediation work for the material to be supplied under these conditions;

d) consistent from batch to batch, the chemical, mechanical and technological material.

3) Some practical advice.

If the cost of the material affects realtive little on the final cost of the product or structure, will suit 'choose stainless steel which offers the best guarantees.
In general, and ', avoid asking the steel producers with specific chemical compositions: the cost of such material will be' generally greater than that of steel that are found on market performance, because the manufacturer usually can not sell any residual flow, and also tends logically to charge the applicant with the development of new type of steel.

Consumaore On the other hand, must bear in mind that the length of a tool, the rust 'of a piece depends in equal measure, the type of steel and mode' of processing and heat treatment and the state of implementation.
A tool is not properly tempered will break 'or lose' the cutting edge, even if just built with steel, a piece of stainless steel will behave 'mediocre if not' been properly heat-treated or it will 'been neglected cleaning the surface.

4) Work on the evolution of the chemical composition of steels.
After the Second World War, and especially in the last twenty years or so, you are more and more 'established the following trends:
a) To the greatest needs, rather than devising new types of steels, and is 'preferred to improve the characteristics of models already' established, using teciche particular processing such as casting in vacuum induction furnace, the remelting electro.

b) For the normal requirements, use less steel alloy than in the past, including through frequent replacement, partial or total, of the alloys must bark more valuable co 'cheap, exploiting the improved means produttivi.
Regarding point 3, second row, and I can say that 'useful if you want to specify a type of steel is not more' market, look for an 'other with similar characteristics.
In fact I wish someone reproduce razors Sheffield, who, however, 'at least for some years, a chemical composition of old-fashioned.
Nerocagliostro me so 'today recommended the LM2 and F8.

As to point 4a), that kind of kilns are described for the production of abrasives and the thermal treatment of binders.
Some companies in the same heat when a material at different temperatures, such as ceramics, to obtain various kinds of abrasives (remember that already 'ceramics containing iron oxide), also burn waste processing to save on disposal costs .
In essence, these ovens are seen as energy plants, because the structure of each others and 'substantially the same.
The problem 'that radioactive waste is reduced to fine paste, due to the high temperatures created in the abrasive process, and the latter, even when it is refined through other processes, has always impurities'.
This I discovered when I do experiments with various types of Mastro Livi abasia to generate new strop pastes, and the solution 'was taken not derived from other abrasive materials heated above 700 degrees but with the same hardness of the first.

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