[Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

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[Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da bel_riose »

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Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso
tradotto da sergioiava e bel_riose.
testo originale e fotografie di shaving101.

Quando si deve acquistare un pennello da barba, si può diventare rapidamente confusi a causa dei diversi tipi di pennelli oggi sul mercato. Ci sono diversi tipi di pennelli disponibili, come in peli di tasso, setole di cinghiale e sintetici, ma il pelo del tasso è di gran lunga il materiale più ideale per un pennello da barba a causa della sua capacità naturale di assorbire acqua. Purtroppo per il nuovo arrivato al wet shaving, i produttori di pennelli non hanno uno standard industriale che definisce specificatamente i vari tipi di peli di tasso. Le denominazioni di qualità variano da una marca all'altra, in modo che può risultare difficile da capirene la qualità e il prezzo. In questo articolo si descrivono le classificazioni di base in modo che si possa facilmente comprendere le diverse caratteristiche e i benefici dei vari tipi di peli di tasso.

Pure Badger
Pure Badger è il grado più facilmente disponibile di peli in quanto copre una grande percentuale del corpo del tasso. A causa della sua elevata disponibilità, Pure Badger è il meno costoso dei tipi di tasso ed è un ottimo punto di partenza per un principiante che vuole imparare il wet shaving prima di passare ad una più alta qualità e un pennello più costoso. Pure Badger varia tipicamente di colore dal marrone scuro al nero, e di solito la texture è più grossolana rispetto ai peli di alta qualità.

Pennelli fatti di Pure Badger vengono spesso realizzati con le punte tagliate per formare la forma finale del ciuffo del pennello. Questo rende le punte dei peli appuntite e dà loro una sensazione più ruvida sulla faccia che alcuni uomini trovano attraente per l'esfoliazione. La struttura più grossolana del Pure Badger rende anche molto utile per montare bene i saponi a causa della sua capacità di grattare la superficie del sapone molto facilmente. Alcuni produttori offrono varianti di Pure Badger, come il nero, che comprendono solo i peli più scuri per la creazione di pennelli che hanno più ciuffo e più rigidità del nodo. Nel corso del tempo le punte di Pure Badger si ammorbidiscono e perdono rigidità, ma non saranno mai morbide sulla faccia come i gradi superiori di peli di tasso.

Best Badger
Il Best Badger offre un miglioramento significativo della sensibilità e qualità rispetto al Pure Badger. I peli di Best Badger sono raccolti da vaste aree del tasso, compresa la zona del ventre dell'animale. Le gamme di colore dei peli vanno da marrone più chiaro al grigio e i peli presentano una zona di separazione del colore più lunga sul pelo, spesso denominata "banda". Best Badger ha capacità di assorbimento dell'acqua migliore rispetto al Pure Badger, il che rende il pennello più ideale per la creazione di schiuma da barba di qualità, in particolare con creme dense che richiedono più acqua per idratarsi adeguatamente quando vengono montate.

Sulla faccia, i peli di Best Badger danno una sensazione di morbidezza che non è graffiante come il Pure Badger, tuttavia, ha ancora un po' di leggero effetto esfoliante e offre una buona via di mezzo tra la texture ruvida del Pure Badger e quella molto morbida di Super e Silvertip. Molti uomini hanno scoperto che i pennelli in Best Badger di produttori rinomati, come Simpson, Rooney, e Edwin Jagger, offrono alcuni tra i migliori valori in termini di qualità e di prezzo. Molti modelli di questo tipo hanno un prezzo molto ragionevole e forniranno risultati eccezionali senza compromettere la qualità.

Super Badger
Super Badger è un calibro più sottile di peli e da una sensazione più morbida rispetto al Best Badger. Super Badger non è largamente disponibile come il Best, e viene raccolto dal dorso dell'animale. Il pelo ha uno schema di colori caratteristico con una sezione intermedia nera e punte più bianche rispetto ai tipi di qualità inferiore. Le punte bianche di Super Badger sono molto morbide sul viso e hanno poca o nessuna sensazione esfoliante sulla pelle.

Spesso il Super Badger subisce un trattamento da parte di alcuni produttori di pennelli per migliorare ulteriormente il candore della punta del pennello, comunque le punte conservano la naturale punta del pelo e non sono tagliate per formare la forma del ciuffo del pennello. Le punte bianche dei peli sono spesso brevi e costituiscono la più piccola percentuale della lunghezza del fusto del pelo. Dato che i pennelli sono fatti con i peli più fini, sono necessari più peli per riempire il nodo del pennello, il che lo rende molto denso ma morbido e lussuoso al tatto.

La corretta manutenzione del pennello da barba diventa sempre più importante con il Super Badger. Questi pennelli sono riempiti con i peli più delicati e sono più suscettibili al danno se il pennello è abusato o non asciugato completamente dopo ogni utilizzo. Il calibro più fine dei peli di Super Badger dona superiori caratteristiche di assorbimento di acqua rispetto ai gradi più bassi di peli di tasso. La densità e la capacità di trattenere acqua dei pennelli in Super Badger offre una notevole differenza di prestazioni quando si montano saponi e creme. Questi pennelli sono in grado di creare facilmente una schiuma ricca e cremosa che li rende una scelta popolare per gli uomini che vogliono la migliore qualità di pennelli da barba disponibili. Super Badger è il grado più alto offerto da molti produttori ed è significativamente più costoso del Best Badger.

Silvertip Badger
Il pelo di Silvertip Badger si trova solo nella zona del collo del tasso, Silvertip è il grado più raro e la più alto dei peli. C'è spesso un po' di confusione per quanto riguarda la differenza tra il Super e il vero Silvertip Badger. Il pelo Silvertip viene selezionato e classificato in base a caratteristiche molto specifiche di morbidezza e colorazione. Come i peli in Super Badger, il Silvertip ha una suddivisione in bande molto definita, ma ha le punte più morbide e lussuose e di solito il contrasto più definito di colore tra le bande di colore bianco e quelle nere. E 'anche molto delicato e la cura per il pennello è molto importante per prevenire che i peli si rompano o si danneggino.

Le punte dei peli non vengono mai trattate e il colore è lasciato nel suo bianco naturale. Il pelo ha un calibro fine ed ha la maggiore capacità di assorbimento d'acqua di tutti i gradi di peli di tasso. Anche se il pelo presenta un colore e una sensazione sulla pelle più squisite del Super Badger, entrambi creano una qualità molto simile di schiuma da saponi e creme. Entrambi sono in grado di produrre una schiuma ricca e densa grazie alla loro capacità di assorbire l'acqua facilmente e mescolarla con il prodotto, ma il Silvertip ha una qualità superiore nell'effetto sulla pelle.

Sul viso, Silvertip Badger è dolce e lussuoso, come un morbido cuscino che massaggia la schiuma sul viso. La differenza di prezzo tra Silvertip e Super è spesso discutibile, tuttavia, molti riconoscono i pennelli in Silvertip Badger come i migliori disponibili al mondo. A causa della loro scarsità, i pennelli da barba in Silvertip Badger sono i più costosi disponibile.

Gradi Speciali

(Two-band Badger)
Mentre Pure, Best, Super, e Silvertip sono i tipi più standard tra la gamma di pennelli da barba sul mercato, ci sono anche particolari tipi non standard che vengono offerti da alcuni produttori, come Rooney, Plisson, e Simpson. Questi tipi di peli sono rari e spesso non sono prodotti come una qualità standard, ma piuttosto una sottocategoria speciale perchè hanno caratteristiche fisiche molto particolari rispetto ad altri tipi di peli di tasso. Finest e Two-Band Badger sono esempi che rientrano in questa categoria.

Questi tipi di peli in genere hanno una resistenza alla trazione molto alta che si traduce in un pennello che è molto denso e molto rigido, un tratto preferito da molti appassionati per il wet shaving e collezionisti di pennelli da barba. Essi sono identificati dalle loro punte lunghe e bianche che contrastano nettamente con sezione nera scura dei peli che si estende fino in fondo alla base del nodo. Poiché queste sezioni in bianco e nero sono le uniche parti visibili del pelo nel nodo, vengono definiti come Two-Band. Peli che soddisfano questi criteri sono difficili da trovatre e perciò questi pennelli non sono sempre disponibili. La domanda è generalmente molto elevata e sono ambiti tra i collezionisti di pennelli.

Note finali
Poichè i peli di tasso sono un materiale naturale proveniente da un animale ci sarà sempre un livello di variazione da pennello a pennello. Non è raro vedere due pennelli dello stesso grado dello stesso produttore che mostrano alcune evidenti differenze di colore e d'aspetto confrontati fianco a fianco. I pennelli di qualità sono un prodotto fatto a mano ed ognuno avrà sempre le sue caratteristiche uniche. Inoltre, alcuni produttori di pennelli possono offrire un Best Badger che ricorda da vicino la colorazione dei peli del grado Super Badger offerto da un altro produttore. Simpsons, per esempio, offre solo Pure, Best, e Super, ma il loro grado di Super ricorda da vicino i Silvertip di altre marche e viene offerto ad un prezzo comparabile. Kent è un altro marchio che si differenzia in denominazioni di classificazione. Le serie BLK e BK di pennelli in Silvertip sono alcune delle più belle disponibili e i manici sono etichettati come Pure Badger, semplicemente per indicare che il nodo è prodotto con peli di solo tasso e non è un riferimento al suo grado di qualità.

E' utile comprendere le diverse caratteristiche e i benefici dei vari tipi di peli di tasso in modo che si possa capire le qualità e i vantaggi dei vari pennelli da barba. Anche se non è uno standard industriale che definisce specificamente i tipi di peli di tasso, ci sono classificazioni di base che molti produttori usano per descrivere la qualità dei peli usati nei loro pennelli. Avere familiarità con Pure, Best, Super e Silvertip aiuterà ad esplorare le diverse opzioni di pennelli da barba disponibili oggi sul mercato. Capire le qualità aiuterà a trovare il giusto pennello che si adatta al proprio stile di rasatura e il proprio budget.
Understanding Hair Grades of Badger Brushes
When shopping for a shaving brush, one can quickly become confused with the different grades of shaving brushes on the market today. There are several types of brushes available, such as badger hair, boar bristle, and synthetics, but badger hair is by far the most ideal material for a shaving brush because of its natural water absorbing capability. Unfortunately for the newcomer to wet shaving, brush manufacturers do not have an industry standard in place that specifically defines grades of badger hair. The grade designations vary from one brand to the next, so it can be difficult to understand shaving brush quality and pricing. This article breaks down the basic classifications so that you can easily understand the different characteristics and benefits of various badger hair grades.

Pure Badger
Pure badger hair is the most readily available grade of hair since it covers a large percentage of the badger's body. Because of its high availability, pure badger hair is the least expensive of badger types and makes a great starting point for a beginning shaver who wants to learn wet shaving before moving on to a higher quality and more expensive brush. Pure badger typically ranges in color from dark tan to black, and is usually coarser in texture than higher grade hair.

Brushes filled with pure badger are often manufactured with the tips trimmed to form the final shape of the brush loft. This makes the tips of the hair blunt and gives them a scratchier feel on the face that some men find appealing for exfoliation. The courser texture of pure badger also makes it very useful for lathering soaps well because of its ability to agitate the surface of the soap very easily. Some manufacturers offer variations of pure, such as black badger brushes, which comprise only the darkest hairs to create brushes that have longer lofts and more stiffness in the overall feel of the knot. Over time the tips of pure badger hair will soften and feel a bit more broken in, but will never be as soft on the face as higher grades of badger hair.

Best Badger
Best badger offers a significant improvement in feel and quality over pure. Best grade hair is harvested from large areas of the badger, including the belly area of the animal. The hair ranges in color from lighter brown to gray and has more color separation in the length of the hair, often referred to as "banded." Best badger hair has better water absorbing capabilities than pure badger, making it a more ideal brush for creating quality shaving lather, particularly with dense creams that require more water to properly hydrate when lathering.

On the face, best grade hair has a softer feel and not as scratchy as pure; however, it still has some light scrubbiness to it and offers a good middle-of-the-road texture between the scratchy pure badgers and very soft super and silvertip grades. Many men have found that best graded brushes from reputable manufacturers, such as Simpson, Rooney, and Edwin Jagger, offer some of the best values in quality for the price. Many models in this grade are priced very reasonably and will provide outstanding results without compromising quality.

Super Badger
Super badger hair is a finer gauge of hair and has a softer feel than best grade hair. Super badger is not as readily available as best, and it is harvested from the back of the animal. The hair has a distinctive color pattern with a black banded midsection in the hair and whiter tips than the lower quality hair types. The white tips of super badger are very soft on the face and have little to no scratchiness on the skin.

Super badger hair is often color treated by some brush makers to further enhance the whiteness of the brush's cap; however, the tips have the natural taper of the hair shaft and are not trimmed to form the shape of the brush loft. The white tips of the hair are often short and make up the smallest percentage of the length of the hair shaft. Because the brushes are filled with finer hair, more individual hairs are required to fill the brush's knot making them very dense yet soft and luxurious in feel.

Proper care of the shaving brush becomes increasingly more important with super badger brushes. These brushes are filled with more delicate hair and are more susceptible to damage if the brush is abused or not dried properly after each use. The finer gauge of super badger gives it superior water absorbing properties over lower grades of badger hair. The density and water holding capacity of super badger brushes offers a noticeable difference in performance when lathering soaps and creams. These brushes are capable of easily creating some of the richest and creamiest lather making them a popular choice for men who want the finest quality of shaving brushes available. Super badger is the highest grade offered by many manufacturers and is significantly more expensive than best badger.

Silvertip Badger
Found only in the neck area of the badger, silvertip is the rarest and highest grade of hair. There is often a bit of confusion regarding the difference between super and true silvertip badger hair. The silvertip hair is sorted and graded based on very specific characteristics of softness and coloring. Like super badger hair, the silvertip has a very distinct color banding, yet it has the softest and most luxurious natural tips and usually the most defined contrast in color between the black and white color bands. It is also very delicate and caring for the brush properly is very important to prevent the hair from breaking or becoming damaged.

The tips of the hair are never color treated and are left in their natural white to off-white color. The hair is fine gauge and has the most superior water absorbency of any of the badger hair grades. Although the hair is more exquisite in color and feel than super, they do create a very similar quality of lathering from soaps or creams. Both are capable of producing a rich and dense lather because of their ability to absorb water easily and infuse it with the product, but the silvertip has a distinctive quality in the feel against your skin.

On the face, silvertip hair is gentle and luxurious, like a soft cushion that massages the lather on to the face. The value for the increased price difference of silvertip over super is often debatable; however, many recognize silvertip brushes as the finest available in the world. Because of their scarcity, silvertip shaving brushes are the most expensive grade available.

Special Grades

While pure, best, super, and silvertip are the most standard grades seen among the range of shaving brushes on the market, there are also special nonstandard grades that are offered by some manufacturers, such as Rooney, Plisson, and Simpsons. These hair types are rare and are often not produced as a standard grade, but rather a special subcategory because they have very distinctive physical characteristics from other grades of badger hair. Finest and two-band badger are examples that fall in to this category.

These hair types typically have a very firm tensile strength that results in a brush that is very dense and very stiff, a trait preferred by many wet shaving enthusiasts and collectors of shaving brushes. They are identified by their long and striking white tips that sharply contrast with dark black section of the hair that extends all the way down to the base of the knot. Because these black and white sections are the only visible parts of the hair in the knot, they are referred as two-band. Hair that meets these criteria is difficult to source and a result these brushes are not always available. They are generally very high in demand and prized among brush collectors.

Because badger hair is a natural material from an animal there will always be a level of variation from one brush to the next. It is not uncommon to see two brushes of the same grade from the same manufacturer that show some obvious differences in color and appearance when compared side by side. Quality brushes are a hand-made product and each will always have its own unique characteristics. In addition, some brush makers may offer a best badger grade that closely resembles the hair coloration of the super grade offered by another maker. Simpsons, for example, offers only pure, best, and super, yet their super grade closely resembles the silvertips of other brands and commands a comparable retail price point. Kent is another brand that differs in grading designations. The BK and BLK series of silvertip brushes are some of the finest available and they label the handles as pure badger, simply to indicate that the hair knot is produced using only hair from the badger and not necessarily a reference to its quality grade.

It is helpful to understand the different characteristics and benefits of various badger hair grades so that you can understand the qualities and benefits of certain shaving brushes. Although there is not an industry standard that specifically defines grades of badger hair, there are basic classifications that many manufacturers use to describe the quality of hair used in their brushes. Being familiar with pure, best, super, and silvertip grades will help you when exploring the different options of shaving brushes available on the market today. Understanding the grades will help you find the right brush grade that fits your shaving style and your budget.
Ultima modifica di ares56 il 03/06/2018, 21:20, modificato 1 volta in totale.
Motivazione: Sito originale non più attivo.
E' il mano libera di tuo bisnonno. Questo è il rasoio dei Very Uominy, non è goffo o erratico come un multilama. E' elegante invece, per tempi più civilizzati. (il barbiere di Obi-Wan Kenobi)
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Utente Bannato
Utente Bannato
Messaggi: 20927
Iscritto il: 18/05/2013, 10:53
Località: Forio d'Ischia (NA)

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da ischiapp »

Cercando di capire la differenza di catalogazione e del particolare delle bande ho trovato alcune informazioni utili.
http://shavenook.com/thread-badger-hair ... 1#pid88051" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


Così come le reali differenze delle gradazioni del ciuffo rispetto alle definizioni dei maggiori produttori.
http://shavenook.com/thread-badger-hair ... 0#pid88960
Alla fine di questo articolo, WSP allega il link alla sua pagina con interessanti specifiche.
In questa pagina (http://wetshavingproducts.com/badger-brush-hair-grades/) si chiarisce la differenza tra il pelo 3-band del Tasso classico (Meles Meles) e quello 2-band del Tasso Naso di Porco (Arctonyx collaris)
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Miglior foto di Agosto
Miglior foto di Agosto
Messaggi: 18836
Iscritto il: 10/05/2013, 14:11
Località: Napoli

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da ares56 »

Al fine di non rischiare di perdere le informazioni del link ottimamente richiamato da Ischiapp, ne riporto integralmente il contenuto anche per evidenziare come i vari produttori possono identificare con diverse terminologie lo stesso grado del pelo di tasso. Questo per suggerire a chi cerca informazioni su quale tipo di tasso acquistare di leggere e confrontare con attenzione tutte le informazioni disponibili.
Wet Shaving Products ha scritto:Badger Brush Hair Grades

The list is separated into two separate hierarchies representing the hierarchy of badger hair per species of badger used. Yes, there are two different species of badger that are used to make shaving brushes.

HMW Special Grade

High Mountain White Special Grade

Can High Mountain White get even better? We think so. Starting with the already exceptionally fine and luxurious hairs of the High Mountain badgers of Northern China, we hand pick the finest hairs one at a time to create this special grade of hair. This better grade of hair exemplifies the qualities that make High Mountain White so special.

This special grade is characterized as a more intense version of the High Mountain White hair. The hair is a little more resilient and the tips can only be described as luxurious. Due to the intense labor associated with hand picking each individual hair and the extreme rarity, this special grade comes with a premium price.

Due to the extreme rarity and labor involved, this hair is only featured in limited edition brushes and knots.

Compare to: Vintage Plisson HMW & current Large Plisson HMW knots, Vintage Simpson Manchurian

High Mountain White

High Muntain White

After searching high and low across the whole of Northern China talking to the badger hair dealers, we’ve finally located the source. Composed of extremely rare hair from the badgers found in the high mountains of China, High Mountain White badger hair is the creme de la creme of badger hair. Characterized by long white tips and a thick middle band, High Mountain White is as good as it gets.

High Mountain White is best described as pure luxury. The tips of each hair is very soft and silky, yet each hair is quite resilient. Almost as resilient as SuperFine 2 Band hair from the Manchurian Badger (Arctonyx collaris). High Mountain White simply exudes pure, unadulterated luxury.

Compare to: Current Plisson HMW

Premium Silvertip

Premium Silvertip

Our silvertip hair consists of the best hair from the back and neck area of the Eurasian badger. Even though our previous silvertip hair was top notch, we weren’t satisfied and went back to the pelt dealers to find us even better hair. This is the result. Luxuriously soft, it is a must have in your shave den.

Not quite as luxuriously soft as our Super Silvertip, our silvertip grade is of exceptional quality and softness. Truly the equal of any high end competitor. Featuring long white tips and a deeply rich black band, you need to treat yourself to this luxurious hair.

The feel of Premium Silvertip is similar to a cloud on your face. It is an extremely soft hair. Compared to High Mountain White or SuperFine Badger, Premium Silvertip does not have much backbone and is not known for having any scrub. Often described as “pillow-y soft.”

Compare to: Simpson Super Badger, Rooney Silvertip, Shavemac D01 3 band, TGN HMW, Thater Silvertip

Standard Silvertip

Standard Silvertip

Our Silvertip Badger is the lowest grade of silvertip hair. Not as pillowy soft as Premium Silvertip, regular silvertip is still very soft and provides for a good compromise between softness and price.

Face feel is not as soft as the higher grades of silvertip hair and can exhibit some slight scritch. It is significantly softer than grey badger or best badger. Compared to black badger or pure badger, silvertip hair is like lathering with a cloud.

Compare to: Kent Silvertip, TGN premium silvertip, most other grades of silvertip. Very standardized grade.

Grey Badger

Grey Badger

Our Grey Badger is a fantastic hair grade for veterans and newcomers alike. The banding is not as distinct and the tips are greyer in color. The hair is sourced from larger areas of the badger, including the stomach and sides. Grey Badger hair holds a good amount of water and features very soft tips.

Our Grey Badger hair is soft on the skin with a firm backbone and a little scritch. Grey Badger has been described as having excellent flow through, with super soft tips, and just a hint of the right scritch. It has been compared to Shavemac’s Finest Badger Hair. Our Grey Badger offers a good compromise between the lower grade black badger hair and Super Silvertip.

Pure Badger

Pure Badge

Pure badger is the most readily available badger hair on the badger. It still features a colored band in the center, but the contrast is not as noticeable. Due to its high availability, pure badger is a very cost effective choice.

The hairs are coarser and thicker than finest and best badger. The hairs do not hold as much water as the finer grades of badger hair and will feel scratchier on the skin.

The coarse nature of the badger hair makes it an ideal candidate for soaps and face lathering. The thick nature of the bristles means brushes made out of this hair have a lot more backbone.

Face feel of pure badger is mostly soft, but is interspersed with noticeable scratch. Good for those looking for an exfoliating brush or want to experience a more flexible hair knot compared to boar or black badger.

Mixed Badger

Mixed Badger

Mixed badger is the lowest grade of badger hair available. Made from the leftover badger hairs, mixed badger represents the bottom of the totem pole of badger hair. Only found in the most economical of brushes, we do not offer brushes made out of this grade of hair. You can find an example of mixed badger here.

Mixed badger is a mix between the species. It’s basically the castoffs. Very low quality hair. Found in the cheapest badger brushes. You would be wise to avoid it.

Compare to: Escali & Tweezerman.

Two Banded Badger Hair Grades

Two band badger hair is actually from a different species of badger. Arctonyx collaris. Available after the reintegration of China into the global economy, this hair features more backbone than the three banded grades.

Two Banded HMW Special Grade

Two Band HMG Special Grade

In the same fashion as the special grade of three banded HMW, these hairs are hand sorted and picked out from the Two Banded High Mountain White hairs. Picked for their softness and aesthetic qualities, these are the best of the best. This special grade of hair has been previously called Rooney Finest and can be found in Somerset era Simpson brushes.

Unlike the aforementioned grades of hair, we’ve used additional processes to remove the scratch, poke, or scrub commonly associated with hair of this grade. The transformation is nothing short of amazing. The feel of the hair is phenomenal. I can only describe it as being caressed and massaged by soft hands.

Due to the extreme rarity and labor involved, this hair is only featured in limited edition brushes and knots.

Compare to: Rooney Finest, some Vintage Simpson 2 banded badger brushes

Two Banded High Mountain White

Two Band High Mountain Grade

Two Banded High Mountain White hair derives from a different badger species that also lives high in the mountains of rural China. Hard to find and extremely rare, their hairs are finer and whiter than their brethren who dwell closer to sea level.

Characterized by whiter and longer tips with a distinctly thick black band, HMW 2 band is luxurious to the touch and finer than our SuperFine grade of hair. Closer in feel to regular three banded HMW, HMW 2 band is a must have for any fan of High Mountain White.

Compare to: Simpson 2 band, Thater 2 band

SuperFine Badger 2 Band

Two Band SuperFine Badger

The Manchurian Badger (Arctonyx collaris) is a distinct species from the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) used in our silvertip brushes. The hair is longer and thicker. It still features the same three banded appearance, but the middle dark band is much wider, allowing for a two banded look.

Our SuperFine Badger 2 Band grade of hair consists of the softest and longest regular production hair from the Manchurian badger. The tips of the hairs are extremely soft and considered gel-like by some, but features a thicker shaft and more backbone. Some people even say it is softer than silvertip. Fairly close in feel tip feel to High Mountain White, SuperFine is best described as a soft hair with a lot of backbone. Other words commonly used to describe the feel are slightly exfoliating, just enough scrub, or resilient.

Finest Two-Band

Two Band Finest

Our Finest Badger hair is a special two banded grade of badger hair from the Manchurian Badger. It has a visually distinct two banded appearance instead of the normal three bands. Our Two Band Finest is a small step down in quality from our 2 band Super Badger. Still featuring mostly gel-like tips, our Finest hair has just a tad more scritch.

Not to be confused with the low grade Manchurian badger hair other sellers offer. Our finest badger is perfect for those seeking a visually distinct badger brush with soft tips and a lot of backbone. We currently have no plans on introducing lower grades of 2 band hair.

The feel of this hair is best characterized as being resilient. Lots of backbone can be felt. Individual hairs are thicker than our SuperFine badger hair leading to more scrub, resiliency, and feedback. The tips are very soft and feels similar to SuperFine. The defining characteristic is the very strong backbone of the hairs. Great for those looking for an exfoliating, but super soft lathering experience.

Compare to: TGN SuperFine

Fine Badger

Fine Badger

Comprised of the thickest three banded hairs from the hog badger, our Fine badger hair is characterized by a slightly firmer feel.

A step down from our Finest Badger grade of hair, these hairs are thicker and stronger. The tips are not as soft, but the overall feel is very similar to our Finest Badger grade of hair.

Compare to: TGN Finest

Black Badger

Black Badger

Black badger features the same quality of hair as our pure badger, but features only the darkest badger hair. Featuring only dark black badger hair, our black badger brushes represent a great option for a new wet shaver or those on a budget.

While many will deride black badger as being the second lowest grade of badger hair, black badger is actually quite soft on the skin. Just like pure badger. Pure badger features slightly more backbone than pure as the hairs are slightly thicker. Black badger comes from the Manchurian Badger.

The face feel of black badger is actually quite soft. Similar to unbroken in boar, black badger feels very similar to pure badger, but with more backbone.

Special Grade: Manchurian Mountain Badger

Manchurian Mountain Grade

We have searched the mountains and lowlands of China for over a year trying to locate the source of the fabled Manchurian badger. At long last, we’ve finally found the correct hair. We’re calling it Manchurian Mountain Badger because it’s not quite the same as Simpson’s Manchurian, but it is as close as we are able to get due to different processing methods by the hair dressers.

Characterized by a very firm backbone and tips on the scrubby side, this hair is extremely hard to come by. The knot feel is very firm with scrubby, but soft tips. This grade of hair is missing most of the prickle/tickle/harshness that Simpson’s Manchurian has. Hence, it’s not 100% the same.
"Sono proprio le soluzioni più semplici quelle a cui di solito non si dà importanza e che, in genere, finiscono con l'essere trascurate".
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Il segno dei quattro)
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Iscritto il: 18/05/2013, 10:53
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Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da ischiapp »

Ma non l'hai tradotto ... :oops: :roll: :cry: :? 8-) :twisted: :lol: :geek: :mrgreen: ;)
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Iscritto il: 10/05/2013, 14:11
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Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da ares56 »

E' uno stimolo ;)
"Sono proprio le soluzioni più semplici quelle a cui di solito non si dà importanza e che, in genere, finiscono con l'essere trascurate".
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Il segno dei quattro)
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Iscritto il: 11/10/2013, 20:39
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Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da Fab79 »

ragazzi scusate forse l'OT...
Ho cercato nel sito ed anche nel vocabolario, ma non ho trovato nulla.
Chi sa darmi il significato esatto del termine ricorrente "Backbone" associata ad un pennello?
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Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da AlfredoT »

Back bone direi che è... self explaining! :mrgreen:
La spina dorsale del pennello, la rigidità del ciuffo indipendentemente dalla morbidezza delle setole.
Quanto sta dritto e non si affloscia (Honi soit qui mal y pense) il ciuffo.
God shave the Queen!
Passare da imbecille agli occhi di un idiota
un piacere da palati sopraffini.
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Iscritto il: 17/05/2013, 19:39
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Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da nano »

Fab79 ha scritto:"Backbone"
Back = schiena
Bone = osso
Osso della schiena --> spina dorsale
Un individuo con poca spina dorsale si piega facilmente. Un individuo con la schiena dritta = è un individuo con la spina dorsale. Ovvero più rigido (si spezza ma non si piega)...
Applicalo per analogia ai pennelli da barba e avrai la risposta.
Never try to wrestle with a pig. You'll get dirty and the pig likes it.
(G.B. Shaw)
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Messaggi: 18836
Iscritto il: 10/05/2013, 14:11
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Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da ares56 »

Fab79 ha scritto:Chi sa darmi il significato esatto del termine ricorrente "Backbone" associata ad un pennello?
Dalla Wiki di Badger&Blade relativamente al termine "Loft" di un pennello:
Brushes with a shorter loft are generally considered better for face lathering due to their increased stiffness, or backbone;
Quindi si riferisce alla rigidità del ciuffo del pennello nel suo insieme.
"Sono proprio le soluzioni più semplici quelle a cui di solito non si dà importanza e che, in genere, finiscono con l'essere trascurate".
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Il segno dei quattro)
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Iscritto il: 11/10/2013, 20:39
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Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da Fab79 »

Grazie, molto professionali! :D
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Iscritto il: 18/05/2013, 10:53
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Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da ischiapp »

Tra le migliori argomentazioni sulle differenze tra alcuni tipi di commercializzazione della classe top dei ciuffi in tasso.
http://shavenook.com/thread-manchurian- ... 4#pid61054
Nel topic ci sono anche delle belle immagini.

Seguendo l'esempio di Ares, trascrivo per copia di backup nello spoiler. ;)
Ben74@TSN 2012.07.22

Unfortunately there is no standardisation of hair grades across brush manufacturers.
Both Plisson HMW and Simpsons Manchurian are described as "High Mountain White" badger.
Both hairs share the characteristic of backbone through the strength of individual hairs as opposed to relying on volume.
The Plisson knots are generally of a higher loft and less densely stuffed than the Simpsons Manchurian providing for a different experience.

A comparison...

Plisson HMW & Simpsons Manchurian

My Plisson HMW are more 3 band, while my Simpsons Manchurians are more 2 band.
Bigger HMW knots versus smaller Manchurian knots.
My HMW are all rather lofty, while my Manchurians are all shorter lofts.
My HMW are not quite as densely stuffed as my Manchurians.
My HMW blooms, while the Manchurian retains a compact shape.
So, there are some immediate reasons for differences in sensation and backbone.

My Plisson HMW exhibit exceptional flow through.
My experience with Simpsons brushes has been that they have a tendency to hold back a little lather.
My experiences with the Manchurian is that it in fact releases the lather rather well, it has greater backbone (density, loft height and knot size are all obvious contributing factors) than the HMW, but exhibits a similar mild scritch from the tips. This sensation is born of the strength of the individual hairs providing resistance when pushed against the face as the tips in themselves are actually quite soft. The Simpsons Manchurian, IMO combines all the best qualities of the Simpsons hair grades.

Although I believe the Plisson HMW and Simpsons Manchurian (SM) to be similar in many ways (but provide unique experiences due to Differences in knot specification), the Blonde Badger as offered by Lee Sabini is IMO a noticeably different beast.

Morris & Forndran Blonde Badger

The Blonde Badger (BB) is an excellent knot, but I would suggest a tier down from the Plisson HMW and the Simpsons Manchurian.

The BB is denser than both the HMW and SM.
The BB is shorter lofted than the HMW.
The BB blooms more than the SM.
They all have soft tips, but the individual hair strength is less than both the HMW and SM.
As expected of a natural product there are differences between batches within a particular grade, given recent reviews this seems particularly evident with BB. That said, all of my BB brushes are in excess of a year old and I myself have experienced little variation.
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Iscritto il: 16/04/2015, 22:12
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Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da Razor »

Apportare piccola correzione alla guida.
Simpson ha anche il grado di peli di tasso definito manchurian.
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Iscritto il: 18/05/2013, 10:53
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Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da ischiapp »

Buono e dettagliato l'argomento dei diversi tipi di ciuffi su http://www.shavemac.com/badger_qualities.html

Vista la qualità, ne faccio copia sul server del Forum:
Badger Qualities
The various grades of badger hair

Every practice has its perfect tool, so does the shave. In practice, boar bristles, hog´s bristles and badger bristles are the common hair for a shaving brush. In addition, there are also synthetic bristles. Badger hair shaving brushes, however, display the best and most comfortable features. Badger hair is very soft, flexible and gives a very comfortable feel on the skin. It is able to retain plenty of water needed yet remains firm and flexible when wet. In addition, badger hair shaving brushes create, in combination with a good shaving soap, an outstandingly creamy and dense lather. Furthermore, a badger hair shaving brush is distinguished by its durability. Shavemac uses only the best quality of pure badger hair. The hair of our shaving brush has always its natural tips, which - still intact -add to a longer durability. The hair tips are not trimmed.
We use only genuine badger hair in best quality. The hair of our shaving brush has always its natural tips, which - still intact -add to a longer durability. The hair tips are not trimmed.

Pure badger hair has a color pattern of dark gray and is very sturdy. It is ideal for people who favor a good massage effect. At the same time, it offers a reasonably prized opportunity to start with a premium quality shaving brush.

The quality of fine badger hair is nearly as good as that of the silvertip badger hair. It combines a gentle and comfortable shave with an excellent price-performance ratio.

Silvertip badger hair is extremely soft and it features its distinctive and unique color pattern: a slightly silver shimmering color with a dark band. Also its high durability makes it so special.

Silvertip D01
This silvertip shaving brush is made of extra robust hair and is densely packed. Thus the form of the brush stays very compact and keeps in shape.

2-Band Bager hair
In contrast to the usually 3-band hair, consisting of light-dark-light sections, the 2-band shaving brush has only silver shimmering tips and a long dark section down to the handle. To achieve this effect, you need specially long badger hair as only these do have the appropriate long sections. These long hair are in addition very dense and firm creating a uniquely sturdy shaving brush.
As most of the badger hair parts are lost - the end of the badger hair and not the tip is trimmed to its final length - more weight in hair is needed.Therefore this brush is more expensive. Furthermore, these long hair are very rare and are not always available. There are Silvertip 2-Band and Silvertip D01 2-Band.

Silvertip 2-Band
The Silvertip 2-Band is very gentle, but also has a great strength. The noticeably high quality and the high durability make the Silvertip 2 band so special.

Silvertip D01 2-Band
Silvertip D01 2-band has the highest strength and density. Thus the form of the shaving brush stays very compact and keeps in shape.

Available knot shape
Bulb Shape -•-•- Fan Shape -•-•- Flat Shape
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Utente Bannato
Messaggi: 20927
Iscritto il: 18/05/2013, 10:53
Località: Forio d'Ischia (NA)

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da ischiapp »

Vedo il proliferare di sensazionali proclami su Animali Mitologici e dove trovarli ... se non dal banditore di turno. :lol:
Il più gettonato ultimamente è il High Mountain White (HMW) Silvertip Two Band.

Ricordando che il 2-band è una specie diversa dal tasso, e che per in pratica non produce Silvertip in quantità apprezzabili ...
Wet Shaving Products ha scritto:Two Banded HMW Special Grade
In the same fashion as the special grade of three banded HMW, these hairs are hand sorted and picked out from the Two Banded High Mountain White hairs. Picked for their softness and aesthetic qualities, these are the best of the best. This special grade of hair has been previously called Rooney Finest and can be found in Somerset era Simpson brushes.
Unlike the aforementioned grades of hair, we’ve used additional processes to remove the scratch, poke, or scrub commonly associated with hair of this grade. The transformation is nothing short of amazing. The feel of the hair is phenomenal. I can only describe it as being caressed and massaged by soft hands.
Due to the extreme rarity and labor involved, this hair is only featured in limited edition brushes and knots.
Compare to: Rooney Finest, some Vintage Simpson 2 banded badger brushes

Two Banded High Mountain White
Two Banded High Mountain White hair derives from a different badger species that also lives high in the mountains of rural China. Hard to find and extremely rare, their hairs are finer and whiter than their brethren who dwell closer to sea level.
Characterized by whiter and longer tips with a distinctly thick black band, HMW 2 band is luxurious to the touch and finer than our SuperFine grade of hair. Closer in feel to regular three banded HMW, HMW 2 band is a must have for any fan of High Mountain White.
Compare to: Simpson 2 band, Thater 2 band

SuperFine Badger 2 Band
The Manchurian Badger (Arctonyx collaris http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Arctonyx_collaris/) is a distinct species from the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) used in our silvertip brushes. The hair is longer and thicker. It still features the same three banded appearance, but the middle dark band is much wider, allowing for a two banded look.
Our SuperFine Badger 2 Band grade of hair consists of the softest and longest regular production hair from the Manchurian badger. The tips of the hairs are extremely soft and considered gel-like by some, but features a thicker shaft and more backbone. Some people even say it is softer than silvertip. Fairly close in feel tip feel to High Mountain White, SuperFine is best described as a soft hair with a lot of backbone. Other words commonly used to describe the feel are slightly exfoliating, just enough scrub, or resilient.

Finest Two-Band
Our Finest Badger hair is a special two banded grade of badger hair from the Manchurian Badger. It has a visually distinct two banded appearance instead of the normal three bands. Our Two Band Finest is a small step down in quality from our 2 band Super Badger. Still featuring mostly gel-like tips, our Finest hair has just a tad more scritch.
Not to be confused with the low grade Manchurian badger hair other sellers offer. Our finest badger is perfect for those seeking a visually distinct badger brush with soft tips and a lot of backbone. We currently have no plans on introducing lower grades of 2 band hair.
The feel of this hair is best characterized as being resilient. Lots of backbone can be felt. Individual hairs are thicker than our SuperFine badger hair leading to more scrub, resiliency, and feedback. The tips are very soft and feels similar to SuperFine. The defining characteristic is the very strong backbone of the hairs. Great for those looking for an exfoliating, but super soft lathering experience.
Compare to: TGN SuperFine
... e che il HMW ed il Manchurian sono due tipologie diverse, derivanti da due zone geografiche e soprattutto climatiche molto diverse ...
Il HMW vive nelle zone d'alta montagna, soprattutto il Sikkim indiano ma anche nella ecozona paleartica del nord-est della Cina ed in Thailandia.
L'ecozona paleartica o regione paleartica o Paleartico è una delle otto ecozone che dividono la superficie terrestre. Tra queste è quella di maggiore estensione. Il paleartico include l'Europa, l'Asia a nord dell'Himalaya, l'Africa settentrionale e la zona nord e centrale della penisola arabica.
Il Manchurian deriva dalla omonima provincia cinese, la Manciuria, che si trova molto più a sud.
Wikipedia ha scritto:La Manciuria è una regione dell'Asia nord-orientale.
Secondo l'interpretazione prevalente essa coincide con il nord-est della Cina, ma secondo interpretazioni di natura storica e geografica essa si estende anche oltre il fiume Amur, comprendendo anche la parte orientale dell'Oblast' dell'Amur, la parte meridionale del Territorio di Chabarovsk e il Territorio del Litorale; questi ultimi territori vengono definiti formalmente Manciuria esterna (rosso chiaro), mentre la Manciuria in territorio cinese è denominata Manciuria Interna (rosso scuro), sebbene spesso solo quest'ultima venga indicata come Manciuria.
... è da notare che oggi tali ciuffi Finest si trovano in vendita dalla Cina in lotti di poche decine (20-50) con prezzo medio inferiore a $40 cadauno.

Oltrettutto, un grande vantaggio di queste fibre è la conformazione naturale in risposta all'ambiente.
Per offrire il massimo effetto impermeabile all'acqua e termico nel trattenere il calore, il fusto è particolare:
• molto flessibile
• steli corposi alla radice
• punte sottili e molto morbide
Il tutto ricorda il classico Silvertip, con l'aggiunta di maggior sostegno (backbone).
Purtroppo tale particolarità la si paga con una minore resistenza meccanica.
Soprattutto se il mercato chiede un'adeguamento estetico agli standard di chiarezza nelle punte come il 3-band.
Questo si ottiene con trattamenti chimici (varecchina) sbiancanti, che però deteriorano in parte la struttura.

Molto bella la descrizione dei ciuffi di Dark Holler di Paladin Shaving.
Log Date|Reference(s)|Comment20160202|2CLNL2|Hand-made in China to our specifications, these knots generally tend to be a little taller in overall height than 2CSNL2 knots (which were sourced as part of the same order); consequently, most of them are set deeper than 2CSNL2 knots, which might be expected to result in somewhat different splay characteristics, all else being equal. Note that these knots also generally have a bit more free-loft, which seems to us to yield a softer and comparatively less scrubby feel, but without being floppy.20160202|2CSNL2|Hand-made in China to our specifications, these knots generally tend to be a little shorter in overall height than 2CLNL2 knots (which were sourced as part of the same order); consequently, most of them aren’t set quite so deep as 2CLNL2 knots, which might be expected to result in somewhat different splay characteristics, all else being equal. Note that these knots also generally have a bit less free-loft, which might yield stiffer backbone and a somewhat scrubbier effect by comparison.20160406|2CLND3|When ordered in March 2016, these knots were expected to match the specifications against which the 2CLNL2 knots (see above) were produced in the fourth quarter of 2015, with the exception of a slight reduction in base diameter and/or density for knots sized to fit 26 mm handle sockets. This was due to the fact 2CLNL2 knots intended for 26 mm handles combined overall height and density such that we set most of them a bit higher than we might have otherwise. This worked very well for larger handles such as the Lotus. And those knots were very well suited to brush users who prefer high density. We tend to favor medium density, however, and so aimed to dial it down a little for 26 mm L-type knots in the second order. Consequently, although 2CLND3 hair is indistinguishable, at least to us, from that used in making the 2CLNL2 knots, 26 mm brushes with 2CLND3 knots will probably, for the most part, be lofted a bit lower (in the ≈49-51 mm range), and we expect them to exhibit more moderate density than 26 mm brushes with 2CNL2 knots, which by and large we considered to be quite dense. We have found the hair used in making 2CLND3 knots to be virtually identical to 2CLNL2 hair in terms of appearance, feel, and resilience (independent of density and loft). Free-loft has also been closely comparable for knots we’ve measured so far.200160406|2CSND3|When ordered in March 2016, these knots were expected to match the specifications against which the 2CSNL2 knots (see above) were produced in the fourth quarter of 2015, and they generally turned out to by appearance as well as in terms of base and height dimensions. Overall, however, the 2CSND3 knots we’ve measured to date have appreciably more free-loft than the 2CSNL2s. Moreover, although we detected a bit scritch in some of the 2CSNL2 knots we trialed, so far we haven’t experienced any scritch from use of 2CSND3 knots. That said, we’ve only tested a few of them. And mileage will inevitably vary.20170126|2CM2L3|These knots were ordered in November 2016. The hair from which they were made is relatively long and of high grade; however, it has a noticeably different feel than that characteristic of previously sourced 2CS or 2CL knots, so we assigned a new primary-sort code to designate the general type. Within this primary sort, we identified a subset of 26 mm semi-bulb knots that was further distinguishable by subtle differences in both color and feel, so we also assigned secondary sort codes (2CM1or 2CM2). In general, 2CM knots have a coarser, scrubbier feel than 2CS or 2CL knots. 2CM2 knots appear to us to have more naturally colored tips than 2CM1 knots, which have somewhat whiter tips. We experienced a bit of scritch in use of a couple sample knots from the 2CM2 group. That seems to have subsided after some initial break-in; however, mileage will inevitably vary in this regard. In terms of guidance, if you prefer 2-band knots with ultra-soft tips, 2CM2s probably aren't the best bet. On the other hand, if you enjoy a scrubbier brush, one of these knots might be just what you’re looking for. And we'd expect them to perform very well with hard soaps.20170214|2CSNL3|Ordered in November 2016, these knots are more closely comparable to 2CSNL2s (December 2015) than 2CSND3s (April 2016).20170214|2CLNA4|These knots are comparable to 2CLNL2s and 2CLND3s. Based on the samples we've tried, it seems like this batch might have a bit more presence (i.e., individual hairs could be felt to a greater extent), but that's highly subjective. The 2CLNA4s we've measured so far have slightly more free loft than earlier L knots.20170523|2CSLD4|The badger hair used to make these knots was sourced from the supplier of earlier 2CS knots; however, these were handmade exclusively for us by the producer of 2CL knots, in relation to whom we appear to have attained greater (and, hopefully, sustainable) influence over quality control directed to meet our requirements. The several knots we have sampled for evaluation (i.e., lathered and used) exhibited to varying degrees what are often referred to as hooked and/or gel-like tips that tend to dry in rather hard clumps. We believe these characteristics, which many brush aficionados regard as highly desirable, result from the sterilization process. They have appeared among some previous 2CS knots, but based on sampling so far, we expect them to be more widespread and pronounced in these, although mileage is bound to vary. Subjectively, I would say the knots I've tried from this batch all exhibited very nice presence with no hint of scritch, to which I am highly sensitive. As with most 2-band knots, performance and feel depend significantly on knot shape and density as set, overall loft, and free loft (all of which are -- or should be -- at least in part a function of the length of hair used to make the knot). Knots associated with this code sized for 26 mm handles were made with longer hair (by about 1 mm on average) and have slightly larger base circumferences. As might be expected, we've found they want to be set at correspondingly higher lofts.20170523|2CSLE4|Same as SCSLD4.20170830|2CSLH4|Knots associated with this code should be much the same as 2CSLD4s and 2CSLE4s; however, these were specified to be 1 mm shorter in overall height to allow setting lofts a bit lower with medium density.20180929|2CSLI4|These knots were made with hair from the same allotment as was used for 2CSLH4s; however, we asked that the producer adjust processing slightly due to moderate patchiness in color and texture that appeared among some knots in previous batches. As a result, these knots have subtly different coloration and, in my assessment, exhibit a bit more resilience (i.e., backbone). The ones I've tried seemed somewhat scrubbier, and I'd guess there will be users who experience a hint or more of scritch. I personally haven't found them to be scritchy, but they definitely have presence. After a few lathers, the 26 mm semi-bulb I've used most does seem to have softened, which isn't surprising.20171124|2CH3K4|Knots associated with this code were hand-made in China and are the first we’ve sourced from the company that produced them. The cost of these knots was substantially higher (by about $20 per knot) than any we had previously obtained directly from China. The decision to give these knots a trial was based on 1) our commitment to continuous improvement, 2) the recommendation of a trusted friend, and 3) careful evaluation of samples (although we’ve learned it often doesn’t serve well to place high confidence in samples). This order was delivered to us on November 15, so at the time of original posting we’ve only had the knots in-house to test for a little over a week. I’ll append these notes as we accumulate first-hand experience and collect customer feedback. The producer designates this grade of hair as High Mountain White (“HMW”). We evaluated samples in several shape, base diameter, and height configurations before deciding limit our first order to medium-height semi-bulbs with optimal fit for 26 mm and 28 mm handles. The size matchups were in keeping with the producer’s recommendations. Although the base size selected for 26 mm handles at first seemed like it might be slightly small, when we tested one set at lofts in the range of 50-51 mm, it bloomed nicely to a very manageable size with well-balanced density. Experience with the semi-bulb sample size we chose for 28 mm handles was essentially the same. With regard to conformation, these knots are as consistent in size, density, and shape as any we have had to offer. The hair, free loft, and density of the 2CH3K4 knots I’ve use-tested so far just about exactly suit my personal preferences in terms of performance and feel. I’d say they have borderline gel tips, with a slick but not gooey texture when wet. Lather production and release have been efficient. The tips feel soft to me but with enjoyable presence (i.e., not moppy). I’ve experienced no scritch from face lathering with them. Of course as always, mileage is bound to vary. From the time we started sourcing knots from China and setting them ourselves (i.e., late 2015), we have hand-washed and combed every single one before installing it in a Paladin handle to be offered for sale. Virtually all of them give up at least a few hairs – often more than a few – in the process. When the first samples from this supplier arrived, I selected a semi-bulb knot, set it snugly (but not permanently) into a 26 mm handle, and put it to practical use immediately. It turned loose of more than a dozen hairs through the course of its first lathering, and I’d say it shed at least a couple dozen more before settling down substantially after five or six uses. I reported this experience to the supplier, who requested photos, which I provided. Assurances were given that special care would be taken to ensure secure construction of any knots produced for us. Since the 2CH3K4 knots were delivered, I’ve aggressively tested three knots (two in 26 mm handles and one in a 28 mm handle). My experience with them has been substantially the same as with the sample. I think what we’ve observed with these knots results from a greater than usual number of hairs that were cut too short to be embedded in glue, but which were tied and tightly and held in place just above the glue during construction. Overall, hair in the 2CH3K4 knots appears to me to be very fine, and I suspect that could be a contributing factor. Of course, we can’t put every knot through multiple latherings prior to setting it in order to purge loose hairs, but we have developed a process that should serve to remove most of them. There will, however, likely still be some shake-down period with these knots. I believe these knots are exceptionally good and have high hopes for them. For me, the positive attributes outweigh the bit of nuisance in involved in liberating loose hairs. We’ll work with the supplier to see what might be done to eliminate that nuisance. In the meantime, we look forward to receiving customer feedback.20180206|2CLSA5|We ordered these knots from our original supplier in early January 2018 after protracted discussions largely focused on samples exchanged in both directions. Those discussions resulted in a commitment on the part of the producer to give more time and careful attention to collecting, sorting, and processing the hair. In consideration of that commitment we agreed to a significant price increase (the second in less than a year driven by quality improvement efforts). In appearance and feel when dry, I would say the hair in these knots compares closely to that of the 2CLNL2s and 2CLND3s; the tips are fine and naturally soft, with color to match (i.e., not alpine white). In use, however, the A5s I've tested delivered a bit more presence than the L2 and D3 L knots, but without being coarse or scritchy. At least so far, these knots haven't exhibited the gel-like properties that can result from bleaching. Bottom line: I like these knots a lot and hope we can get more that match their properties.20180216|2CWHB5|Knots associated with this code were hand-made in China and sourced from the same company that produced the 2CH3K4 knots, which turned out to shed excessively. That was a very costly experience for us. Although only two of the 30 brushes we sold with 2CH3K4 knots have been returned so far, I know most, if not all, of our customers who bought one probably put up with more shedding than we would consider acceptable. On the positive side, however, the supplier responded with high integrity and best efforts to restore trust. 2CWHB5 knots were sent to us in replacement for the unused 2CH3K4 knots we were able to return. 2CWHB5 knots are constructed somewhat differently than any knots we’ve offered previously. The glue base has a flatter profile across its top, and hair is bound in a manner that results in comparatively less splay than more commonly constructed knots. The hair has a dark lower-band with distinctively white tips. In use, I’ve found these knots to exhibit a remarkable combination of backbone and softness at the tips, which I would call moderately gel-like. I hope we can continue to source knots made with hair of this kind and quality. These knots seem to shed more hairs than any we’ve sourced from our other supplier. Of course, we would rather they didn’t, but it doesn’t appear to be a significant issue (not anything like the 2CH3K4s). We’ll do our best comb them out; however, I anticipate it may require repeated use-dry cycles to completely effect shake-out. The supplier has confirmed that this is normal. Like the 2CH3K4 knots, our cost for 2CWH*s is substantially higher than any others we’ve sourced from China. We are introducing them without a corresponding increase in the prices set for our brushes; however, assuming the positive reception we expect, we’ll probably have to make some adjustments.20180223|2CLSB5|Knots associated with this code should be much the same as 2CLSA5s. Note, however, that we requested an increase of 1-2 mm in overall height for the 26 mm knots in this order.20180426|2CWHD5|These knots are from the same source as the 2CWHB5s and were made with the same type of hair; however, they are constructed and shaped a little differently. 2CWHD5 knots have more traditional construction with hair near the circumference glued into the base at a slightly greater angle, so they’re a bit less compact and splay more easily. Also, these knots have a somewhat more hybrid shape (i.e., less curvature across the top) than 2CWHB2s, which have more rounded tops. Like 2CWHB5s, in use I find these knots to exhibit a remarkable combination of backbone and softness at the tips. I described them to a friend as “deliciously scrubby”. They have a lot of presence, and I’ve detected a few transient hints of scritch, but none that I couldn’t easily eliminate with a minor adjustment of stroke.[riga]20180426|2CLSD5|As referenced in the notes corresponding to 2CLSA5 knots, the order for those knots followed “protracted discussions largely focused on samples exchanged in both directions.” More specifically, we based that order on two distinct sample types, one designated by the producer as K4 and the other L1. [size=110][b]The fundamental difference between those types was the extent to which they were exposed to [u]bleach[/u] in the course of [i]ordinary processing[/i].[/b][/size] We had been pressing the supplier for almost 1 ½ years to develop a reliably controllable process for production of knots with so-called gel-tips. The L1 samples appeared to reflect achievement of our objective in that regard, and so we eagerly placed an order for 150 L1-type knots. When that order arrived, however, it was almost immediately apparent that the knots we received were more like the K4 than the L1 samples, which isn’t to say they were/are not very good knots; they just didn’t have what we would call gel-tips. Long story-short, I asked for an explanation and was told the producer became “scared” that 1) our customers would “use hot water to lather, so when the hair connect to the hot water, it will be very soft” and 2) more bleaching would reduce the life of the knot. I’m sharing this here because it serves making a couple of important points. First, it’s generally not a good idea to expose badger-hair knots to hot water. Second, the methods of processing that tend to produce gel-tips likely involve some trade-off in terms of longevity. [size=110][b]To the best of my knowledge, [u]all[/u] 2-band knots of the type we offer have been exposed to some bleaching. The whiter and/or more gel-like a particular knot’s tips are, the more exposure its hair probably had. In other words, [i]gel-tipped[/i] knots should be assumed to involve [u]some compromise[/u].[/b][/size] I don’t think of that as either good or bad; it’s just a matter of striking an optimal balance for the sake of producing desired characteristics. These knots strike a different balance than the 2CLSA5s or 2CLSB5s, which turned out to be closer to the K4 samples. 2CLSD5s are like the L1 samples. As expected, the ones I’ve tried have been luxuriously soft. Correspondingly, they aren't what I'd call scrubby or long on presence. We can’t say whether or to what extent all of the 2CLSD5 knots will exhibit gel-tips. There will probably be some variance, and how knots are used (e.g., with what products) can affect results. As for care and maintenance, although I mostly use hard soaps and face lather, I’d say gel-tips typically aren’t best suited for hard-soap destruction or aggressive lathering. And keep in mind that they don’t like hot water. In any case, curling tips sooner or later is fairly common with gel-tipped knots.[/riga]20180705|2CLSE5|Produced from the same material and to the same specifications as 2CLSD5 knots. We haven't noticed appreciable differences between the two orders.20180810|2CWHE5|Produced from the same material and to the same specifications as 2CWHD5 knots. We haven't noticed appreciable differences between the two orders.
Quindi, quando compriamo pennelli in HMW e Manchurian da centinaia di €uro ... ricordiamoci che montano Finest da decine di Dollari. :twisted:
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Iscritto il: 09/07/2018, 4:13

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da dunn »

Informazioni molto utili. Qualcuno ha acquistato i nodi pennello da Aliexpress?
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Messaggi: 458
Iscritto il: 16/02/2015, 9:46
Località: Roma * Salerno

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da rasoiokia »

Ultimamente ho preso un pennello di tasso nero, l'ho fatto per provare, visto che non ne avevo mai avuto uno

...risulta piuttosto "rustico".
Migliora col tempo ? Fa le doppie punte ?
Anche la fortuna conta :D
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Iscritto il: 31/03/2010, 21:52
Località: Provincia N.W. Milano - Magonza

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da paciccio »

no, ed è il motivo per cui ad un tasso economico è preferibile un buon setola o un sintetico
«Con un gentiluomo sono sempre più di un gentiluomo; con un mascalzone, cerco di essere più di un mascalzone.» Paciccio & Otto von Bismarck
«Per capire le pietre ci vuole pazienza e perseveranza» Ura «non sono le pietre che affilano e fanno magie, bensì chi le usa con scrupolo ed esperienza» Lemmy
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Messaggi: 458
Iscritto il: 16/02/2015, 9:46
Località: Roma * Salerno

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da rasoiokia »

Capisco. Peccato, mi era piaciuto il manico e avevo curiosità.
Anche la fortuna conta :D
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Utente Bannato
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Messaggi: 20927
Iscritto il: 18/05/2013, 10:53
Località: Forio d'Ischia (NA)

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da ischiapp »

Il Tasso Europeo ... questo sconosciuto. ;)
Research Gate ha scritto:The Eurasian badger (Meles meles) is included in Appendix III of the Bern Convention and protected by national laws in many European countries.
Badger hair is used to manufacture luxury shaving brushes, although it is frequently argued that the Hog badger (Arctonyx collaris), which in Europe is an introduced and unprotected species, is the origin of the hair used. We applied an extraction protocol to recover DNA from the unrooted hair of shaving brushes obtained from commercial companies in The Netherlands and Spain.
The tested brushes originated from The Netherlands, Spain, France, Italy and the United Kingdom where the Eurasian badger is a protected species.
We sequenced 191 bp of the mitochondrial DNA control region and 170 bp of the cytochrome b gene and compared the sequences obtained with Eurasian badger and Hog badger reference sequences of the same mitochondrial DNA regions obtained in our laboratory and from GenBank.
Sequences obtained from four shaving brushes were clearly hog badger sequences, whereas four sequences clustered with Eurasian badger sequences of both European and Asian origins.
One of the shaving brushes made of Eurasian badger was produced in France, where it is legal to capture or trade the species under certain conditions.
The remaining three brushes originated from The Netherlands, where it is illegal to possess, sell, transport or use for commercial purposes dead Eurasian badgers or products derived from them.
La Plisson e poche altre aziende specificano che il loro tasso è Europeo / Russo.
Ma sembra essere europeo nel senso geografico, più che biologico ... principalmente. :ugeek:
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Messaggi: 735
Iscritto il: 06/08/2019, 15:10
Località: Roma

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da FlashOne »

Sarebbe interessante ripetere questa ricerca test, in 14 anni (giusti giusti nel mese corrente) immagino che qualcosa possa essere cambiato, sia livello legislativo che produttivo
Old Fashioned half bourbon half rye
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Messaggi: 473
Iscritto il: 05/03/2019, 11:14

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da Danbrown »

Io ho un bel Omega 623 Silvertip degli anni '70, comprato NOS, con ciuffo di tasso europeo.
All'epoca la legislazione era sicuramente diversa.

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Messaggi: 458
Iscritto il: 16/02/2015, 9:46
Località: Roma * Salerno

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da rasoiokia »

Tra l'altro , molto bello.
Peccato che questo tipo di tassi omega erano troppo floppy
Anche la fortuna conta :D
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Messaggi: 473
Iscritto il: 05/03/2019, 11:14

Re: [Articolo] Comprendere le qualità dei pennelli di tasso

Messaggio da Danbrown »

Bisogna considerare che questo appartiene alla generazione in cui i pennelli piccoli erano la norma, con un nodo a 20x46mm non lo definirei un campione di backbone, ma sicuramente equilibrato.

Per un`idea delle proporzioni
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Utente Bannato
Utente Bannato
Messaggi: 20927
Iscritto il: 18/05/2013, 10:53
Località: Forio d'Ischia (NA)

The Varlet: preciso e perfetto

Messaggio da ischiapp »

Un prodotto che è venerato, strapagato, osannato e superambìto è il The Varlet.

Per orientarmi in quella baraonda di dati, ho riassunto le specifiche in una infographic.
Immagine originale 1800x1600px
Belle forme, bei nodi, dettagli eccellenti.
In realtà ho dovuto rileggere ogni parola del sito un paio di volte.
Ogni sezione è ricca di informazioni, e tutte meritano attenzione.
Alla fine però mi sono fatto questa idea sul prezzo.
Credo che essso sia legato al tempo.

Tempo per trovare il materiale perfetto.
Tempo per lavorarlo alla perfezione.
Tempo per raffinare dettagli invisibili, come il rame all'interno.
Tempo per trasformare un sogno in realtà.
Tempo per creare ... un'esperienza, più che un prodotto.

Comunque più economico di circa il 50% del superpersonalizzato Declaration Grooming One-of-a-King.
https://www.declarationgrooming.com/col ... rush-b3-b7
Dove invece della specifica tecnica, qui si cerca il puro stato dell'Arte.
Inteso proprio come capacità artistiche devolute alla unicità del prodotto.
Anche quello ha una lunga descrizione che è interessante da leggere.
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Messaggi: 5182
Iscritto il: 01/05/2015, 15:40
Località: Roma

Re: The Varlet: preciso e perfetto

Messaggio da Lino »

ischiapp ha scritto:Un prodotto che è venerato, strapagato, osannato e superambìto è il The Varlet.
Non conoscevo questi pennelli: a vederli mi sembrano magnifici, ma è una valutazione meramente estetica.
"Il parere della maggioranza non può essere, per definizione, che l'espressione dell'incompetenza"
( R. Guénon, Il regno della quantità e i segni dei tempi )

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