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German Shaving soap Compendium

Inviato: 08/05/2010, 22:25
da Aldebaran
German Shaving Soap Compendium


My French Shaving Soap Compendium seemed to go down well, so I thought I'd post this listing of German Shaving Soaps I have compiled while on a quest for obscure and unknown shaving supplies.
My collection of German soaps is nowhere near as extensive as my collection of French soaps, so I present this list as someone in search of knowledge, rather than someone who has a vague idea of what they're talking about.
This list isn't as organised as my French list due to the fact that there is a seemingly endless list of artisanal soap manufacturers operating in Germany. I have tried to include all those that I have come across, and where possible a list of the scents offered, but in the end I was overwhelmed by the task. Still, if anyone has any recommendations concerning German artisanal soapmakers that I have not mentioned please feel free to post them in this thread.
Also, I decided to include Austrian products as well, because from an English perspective at least, there is little difference between the two countries. Many Austrian products are produced for the German market anyway.
Onto the list:
Hans Baier
Dovo (produced by Gold Dachs)
Gold Dachs
Haslinger (Aloe, Bay Leaf, Coconut, Honey, Marigold, Sage, Sandalwood and Seaweed varieties)
Irisch Moos (now produced by Tabac's parent company)
Kabinett (same company as below)
Klar (same company as above)
Marbert Man (anyone knows where to get some, please tell the rest of us)
Muehle (same as Edwin Jagger)
Rivivage (reportedly the same as Gold Dachs)

Austrian Products:
Knize 10
StoBa Seifenmanufaktur (Alpenspeick, Cederholzol and Feirmente varieties)
Messer Roedter House Brand Soap (Austrian made artisanal soap)

Artisanal German Shaving Soaps:
Calani (Allgemein, Cadre Noir, Classic Havana and Purissima varieties)
Die Seifenmanufaktur (Active Man and Zitrus varieties)
Naturseifenshop (Nr. One, Macho, Sahara,Elegance, Cool and Myrrhe varieties)
Naturseife-aus-Leidenschaft (Lime and Lavender/Sandalwood varieties)
Olivia (many varieties, should need no introduction round these parts)
Schafmilchseife (Lanolin Shaving Soap)
Seifenzeit (Koala Shaving Soap)
Waro Feinerasierseifen (Agar/Musk, Cedernholz, Duftneutral, Grapefruit, Kampfer, Lemongras, Patchouli, Rosengarten and Sandelholz varieties)

Finally, here's a portal for anyone wanting more artisanal German Shaving Soaps ... 255&w=323& sz=17&hl=de&start=5&um=1&tbnid=d1LIZ5YWgNqo-M:&tbnh=93&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drasierseife%2Bdawanda%26um%3D1%26hl%3